Happy New Year! As we look back on 2012, we can see the many ways that God has immensely blessed the children at HFLM. In 2012, we were fortunate to have volunteers from the USA: the Cooper family, Gwen, Stuart, and Torey. We are so very grateful for their contributions. It is amazing to see how each boy’s confidence has grown and to experience the joyful, God-focused culture that has developed at HFLM through the investment of our volunteers.
Stuart and Djuhudi saying goodbye
The boys were deeply saddened to say goodbye to Stuart Cornutt who returned to the USA at the end of December. Living at the home with the boys, Stuart developed a close relationship with each of them. Through daily counseling, volley ball coaching, English teaching, and most importantly his goofy demeanor, Stuart encouraged the boys to have a blast and to more freely express themselves. In particular, the life of 14 year old Djuhudi was changed from Stuart’s time in Rwanda. Djuhudi’s father abandoned him at a young age and has had no desire to be a part of his life. Discouraged by being abandoned and often sick, Djuhudi developed a hopeless outlook on life and lacked the motivation to join with the other boys in sports or to try in school. Stuart read with him daily, taught him to pray at night, helped him study, and encouraged him to play games. For the first time, Djuhudi joined the other boys in sports and developed a strut of confidence. Djuhudi experienced a love and a respect that he never received from his father and the joy and hope that developed in Djuhudi through his relationship with Stuart is invaluable.
While Stuart will be sorely missed, we are fortunate that Torey has decided to extend her stay and become an HFLM employee. Torey has taken on the position of Assistant Director and is currently doing an exceptional job running the HFLM home while Hilliary is in America for several months.

The 8 boys who were reintegrated in December and 6 HFLM staff
We are delighted to report that all of the boys who were reintegrated with their families are doing very well. Through the generous sponsor donations we have:
· built a roof and installed doors on Simeon’s house;
· built bedrooms for both Patrick and Berco;
· cemented walls/floors and built a shed for goats that had been living in the home of Veterne and Daniel’s;
· built a roof, toilet, kitchen and cemented walls/floors of Obed’s home!
Furthermore, we are now in a position to sponsor seven additional children, the siblings of the boys living at HFLM that are at risk of living on the streets. They will now be able to have their daily needs met and attend school.
Veterne, Daniel, Hilliary, Simeon, and Gustave a few days before reintegration
When Gustave escorted Simeon to his parent’s house, the first thing he noticed was a shining new roof. “The place looked good,” Gustave said, and he felt confident Simeon would do well with his family. Simeon was also excited to be with his family again, but as Gustave parted he had tears in his eyes and expressed how much he would miss everyone at HFLM. Gustave ensured him that he is still a part of HFLM and we will visit him regularly. “I’ll even call you tonight when I get back.” At this, Simeon smiled and felt much better. Gustave encouraged him to keep up his walk with the Lord, continue to study hard, and to obey his parents. Simeon agreed and entered his new season of life with a smile.
The lives of so many children and families have been touched through your generous donations. We are so touched by all of your support and prayers. Thank You!