
April Update

The joy of spring is upon us and we are blessed with new and renewed life.  Many lives continue to be transformed through HFLM as God fills our hearts. It is a true blessing to serve in such a deep and meaningful way. 

Boys sporting their new jerseys

Volunteer Team Led by Andy Frank
This past month we connected with our old friend, Andy Frank, who brought a large, lively team to the home. It was as if Sports Authority had come to Rwanda and the boys were in paradise. They were showered with bags full of brand new Nike sneakers, soccer balls, sports-wear from jerseys to shorts, dental kits and crafts. Each boy anxiously waited to be individually outfitted. While the Kabuga market offers decent secondhand shoes, new Nike’s were quite the phenomenon.  Torey noticed that each boy diligently washed their new shoes daily and out of fear of get  ting them dirty, only wore them to school.  She told them, “Don’t be afraid to wear your new shoes and play soccer in them! That is exactly what Andy brought them for.” However, some still preferred to play soccer barefoot just to be safe! Watching them take ownership and delicate care of their new things would make any parent proud.

Our new baby goats

In keeping with the spirit of spring and new life, this past week we successfully assisted with the birth of two goats. Last October, we had purchased several goats thanks to a generous donation from Northshore Baptist Church, with the aim of breeding a small flock.  We will soon be able to start giving goats to the families of our reintegrated boys to aid in their self-sustainability. With our growing goat herd, Andy’s team recognized the need for renovating our goat shed and they generously donated enough for us to finish the task.  All in all, it was an amazing time that continues to impact the HFLM family.

Help with a Benefit Dinner
While in the States I (Hilliary) have been busy sharing about HFLM and the work God has been doing through us. I plan to return to Rwanda in June. Until then, we would welcome and deeply appreciate some of you to open your home and host a benefit dinner for HFLM. I would come and share at a personal level all about HFLM. If you are interested in helping, please contact me at  The goal is to have at least 10 different people host dinners in what promises to be a fun and rewarding evening for all. 
Hope For Life Ministry is incredibly thankful for your strong support through prayer, donations and time generously and faithfully given.

March Update 2013

Chantal Umutesi has been with HFLM from the very beginning and is a huge reason why Hope For Life stands so strong today. This month we are delighted to highlight Chantal, co-founder of Hope For Life Ministry, who has poured her heart and soul into the boys and families of our organization for the last four years. Her faithful prayer and devotion has brought real change to so many across Rwanda. Chantal’s life is a true testament of our Heavenly Father’s love, faithfulness and provision.
Chantal and “Littleman” (Claude) embracing. Littleman was reintegrated to live with his grandmother several months earlier, and was very excited to see Chantal       
Chantal holds a deep compassion for vulnerable children. As a child herself, she would fill her bucket and begin to bathe impoverished children in her neighborhood. This earned her the name “Mama” at the age of 10, and it has stuck ever since. Her dream of helping vulnerable children continued to grow and she envisioned starting an orphanage someday. In high school, Chantal took part in three days of fasting and praying through her church and had a powerful vision. “I saw small poor kids on the street and a snake was coming for them. The snake was going to bite one child. I was so upset that I ran and grabbed the child and carried him away. And then I thought, what am I going to do? I have no way to provide for this child, but I have to take care of him. So I decided I was going to look for someone who could help me take care of them.” Partnering with Hilliary and Megan brought her vision to life in 2009, when God provided the resources to start HFLM.
God’s protective hand has been upon Chantal’s life and has carried her through many painful trials. Growing up, money was extremely tight as Chantal lost her Father and a brother in early childhood. Her mother was only able to send Chantal’s older sister to school. But God knew of Chantal’s deep desire to study and provided through the Organizations AEE and Compassion International, which sponsored Chantal and her younger brother all the way through high school. During high school, Chantal’s family endured the horrific 1994 Rwandan genocide, where the death toll was estimated to be as high as 20% of the population. By the grace of God, Chantal managed to survive. However, she again suffered significant loss of two additional family members. Another brother and her niece were killed in the genocide along with friends and extended family. 
Chantal regularly visits the families and children HFLM sponsors
 Chantal with her daughter Mervey         
  Shortly after HFLM began, UK missions became aware of this incredible woman. As she spoke about her Heavenly Father’s love and faithfulness for her and her daughter Mervey, they were moved to help fulfill her dreams by sponsoring her through University for all four years. Chantal has been a full time HFLM employee, student and mom for the last four years and will finish her degree this December. She is a woman of strength, character, and incredible work ethic that has a deep love for others which radiates from within. Initially she volunteered her time without a salary starting up HFLM, which was a difficult sacrifice: “I knew I had to put Mervey into a nice school, but I also knew I was called to work at HFLM. Working at HFLM has grown my spiritual life, as I have watched my amazing God providing in ways you can’t even imagine. I love my Jesus and my faith has been increased in knowing my God provides, answers prayers, and can change anyone’s heart.”
Chantal’s passion for spiritual development has also impacted the local street boys and generated real change. We have seen her faithful prayers answered and God has softened some of the hardest of hearts of our boys who have lived painful, rough lives. She has boldly proclaimed the gospel that has lead many local street boys to accept Christ as Lord, and she has taught life skills such as savings. Six boys took her counsel to stop buying cigarettes and saved enough money to rent homes for themselves so they no longer have to sleep on the streets.
We are so grateful for this woman and her years and years of commitment. If you wish to pray for Chantal, her requests include: the HFLM boys, growth in her relationship with Christ, and her upcoming internship and dissertation. It has been a blessing to know this woman and she has made lasting impacts on our boys, the staff at HFLM and the whole community in Kabuga.          

Chantal with the HFLM boys and staff

Thank you all for your generous donations that not only bless the children at HFLM, but also Chantal and all of our staff.



February Update

Reintegration of the boys was an incredible moving experience as we got to see their hearts in a way we had not before. We first witnessed this at the reintegration celebration when they stood up and shared their testimonies and hopes for the future. Now that they are home we have witnessed a new level of development and the ability to take a stand for their own health and spiritual welfare. While their outward situations appear to be similar, their attitudes have changed from passively conforming to their environments, to actively helping their families and standing firm in their faith. Through your support, we have also completed house renovation projects for the neediest families and succeeded in raising their standard of living. This year we will be partnering with other NGOs to teach the families financial management and aiding in small income generation projects such as raising farm animals.
And the blessings continue.  We are thrilled to share with you the musical talent of three of our HFLM boys. David loves praising God through music and has written countless songs. When Stuart was in Rwanda, he recognized David’s talent and decided to help him with the production of one of his songs. David quickly shared the news with his best friends at HFLM who are also his music partners, Pacifique and D’Amour. The three were elated with the opportunity to go to a local production company and record their song. It was only four years ago that David lived in a garbage dump with no prospects for the future. Thinking of the stark contrast, he exclaimed “I would never have believed anyone if they told him me I would be instructing a producer on how to make changes to a song and that he would listen to me!” Hilliary and Stuart followed up on the recording with a music video for the boys. It is with great joy and gratitude that we share David’s song and give you a glimpse of Rwanda. You can view the music video here.

Another success story is 10 year old Papi, who has impressed us with his desire to go to church and read his Bible. Prior to HFLM, his mother was unable to care for him, and he survived by begging and sleeping in street gutters. When we first found him, he was covered in sores and suffered from severe malnutrition. It has been incredible watching his physical and spiritual transformation and we are excited to see his mother also becoming more stable. Since Papi was raised in a Muslim family, Chantal asked him, “When you go home, will you want to go to the Mosque or to church?” Papi firmly said he was going to go to church, even if he had to go alone. We asked his mother if she was fine with this, and she surprised us by not only saying yes, but that her life was rescued by several Christians a month ago when she was in a very bad spot. Only a few days after returning home Chantal received a call from Papi, pleading with her to come back to his house and bring his Bible because he accidentally left it at HFLM and really wanted to read it. It has been a true honor witnessing the children at HFLM mature and develop a firm foundation in Christ.
With the reintegration of the 8 boys in December, we now have the opportunity to bring in new boys. Chantal, the HFLM Children Director, has developed a list of new candidates and we are prayerfully moving forward to accepting these boys. We are also in search of new leader(s) to support Hilliary in bearing the HFLM torch. Thank you for all of your support and prayers!



January 2013 Update

Happy New Year! As we look back on 2012, we can see the many ways that God has immensely blessed the children at HFLM. In 2012, we were fortunate to have volunteers from the USA: the Cooper family, Gwen, Stuart, and Torey. We are so very grateful for their contributions. It is amazing to see how each boy’s confidence has grown and to experience the joyful, God-focused culture that has developed at HFLM through the investment of our volunteers.
Stuart and Djuhudi saying goodbye
The boys were deeply saddened to say goodbye to Stuart Cornutt who returned to the USA at the end of December.  Living at the home with the boys, Stuart developed a close relationship with each of them. Through daily counseling, volley ball coaching, English teaching, and most importantly his goofy demeanor, Stuart encouraged the boys to have a blast and to more freely express themselves. In particular, the life of 14 year old Djuhudi was changed from Stuart’s time in Rwanda. Djuhudi’s father abandoned him at a young age and has had no desire to be a part of his life.  Discouraged by being abandoned and often sick, Djuhudi developed a hopeless outlook on life and lacked the motivation to join with the other boys in sports or to try in school. Stuart read with him daily, taught him to pray at night, helped him study, and encouraged him to play games. For the first time, Djuhudi joined the other boys in sports and developed a strut of confidence. Djuhudi experienced a love and a respect that he never received from his father and the joy and hope that developed in Djuhudi through his relationship with Stuart is invaluable.

While Stuart will be sorely missed, we are fortunate that Torey has decided to extend her stay and become an HFLM employee. Torey has taken on the position of Assistant Director and is currently doing an exceptional job running the HFLM home while Hilliary is in America for several months.

 The 8 boys who were reintegrated in December and 6 HFLM staff
We are delighted to report that all of the boys who were reintegrated with their families are doing very well. Through the generous sponsor donations we have:
·         built a roof and installed doors on Simeon’s house;
·         built bedrooms for both Patrick and Berco;
·         cemented walls/floors and built a shed for goats that had been living in the home of Veterne and Daniel’s;
·         built a roof, toilet, kitchen and cemented walls/floors of Obed’s home!
Furthermore, we are now in a position to sponsor seven additional children, the siblings of the boys living at HFLM that are at risk of living on the streets. They will now be able to have their daily needs met and attend school.
Veterne, Daniel, Hilliary, Simeon, and Gustave a few days before reintegration
When Gustave escorted Simeon to his parent’s house, the first thing he noticed was a shining new roof. “The place looked good,” Gustave said, and he felt confident Simeon would do well with his family. Simeon was also excited to be with his family again, but as Gustave parted he had tears in his eyes and expressed how much he would miss everyone at HFLM. Gustave ensured him that he is still a part of HFLM and we will visit him regularly. “I’ll even call you tonight when I get back.” At this, Simeon smiled and felt much better. Gustave encouraged him to keep up his walk with the Lord, continue to study hard, and to obey his parents. Simeon agreed and entered his new season of life with a smile.
The lives of so many children and families have been touched through your generous donations. We are so touched by all of your support and prayers. Thank You!

December Update 2012

Watch HFLM’s Christmas Project Video! (If the video doesn’t load, watch it here)

This holiday season we look ahead with great anticipation toward the reintegration of 8 of our beloved Hope for Life boys. We celebrated in style at the Palace Hotel pool. We taught boys how to swim, played water games for hours, and ate their favorite meal of brochettes and fantas! After lunch the boys stood up for each of their brothers heading home. Some told funny and engaging memories, while others shared encouraging words of their respect and love for one another. Our staff cannot put into words how truly proud we are of the men they have become. While goodbyes were difficult, that day cemented our relationships as a true family.
The reintegration celebration at the hotel pool
Once again we are reminded of the extraordinary journey of the remarkable young man named Veterne. It was three years ago that we first crossed paths with Veterne begging at the local bus park, as he dragged his crippled legs behind him. While begging in Rwanda is common, his story certainly is not. All of Veterne’s earnings had been going directly to feed, clothe, educate and provide for his family. Unbeknownst to his family, 12-year-old Veterne established his own bank account and saved a portion of the funds. After some time, he told his family about the account and how he wanted to build them a house. However, when he gave his mother money to begin building bricks, she instead used it to buy alcohol. Veterne then took matters into his own hands, hiring builders and overseeing the entire construction process. When Chantal learned his story, she invited him to come live at HFLM and leave the streets, but it wasn’t until the construction was finished that Veterne was prepared to accept the offer.
 Chantal reading Veterne a loving and encouraging letter at the reintegration celebration
Living at HFLM has restored Veterne’s childhood. He attended school for the first time and also received corrective surgery on his legs, allowing him to walk with arm braces.  However, even at HFLM, providing for his family continues to be a priority. He told us he he is eager to return home “to help put my family in order”. As Chantal was making arrangements for his transition, his mother confided, “When he was first born, I felt like we were being punished with a crippled child. But look how he has been the greatest blessing in our life.”
Each of the families of the boys being reintegrated are in great need, and this holiday season we all have a great opportunity to make a difference. Through the Christmas Project, we can ease the boys’ transitions home by significantly raising their family’s standard of living. Gifts range from clothing and education to house renovations. All your generosity will directly impact a HFLM family here in Rwanda. Please visit our website ( and join with us this Christmas in rebuilding these families!
The Spirit at HFLM is stronger than we have experienced in a long time. Through our celebration, and house prayer, the home has been filled with joy and love. The HFLM family thrives and we are in awe of God’s movement and blessings. Please continue your prayers for the families accepting boys back into their home, for the boys remaining at the home and for all of our staff.  Our ministry is extremely blessed by your generosity and support! Together, we can delight in the joy of giving this Christmas.

November 2012 Update

We have been encouraged in this season of transition as we experience God moving in our lives. New doors of opportunity for the ministry and children are opening, bringing increased clarity for the future of HFLM. We are continually blessed by your faithful prayers and support. While new government policies carry some uncertainty, our confidence grows in the knowledge that God is paving a way for the HFLM home to continue to flourish.
Hilliary and Chantal visited little Claude and found him thriving at his grandmother’s. It was a joyous reunion
It has indeed been an eye opening month as we prepare 7 boys for a December reintegration. To ensure the boys will return to safe, loving environments, Chantal and Torey have been busy traveling across Rwanda to visit living relatives of the boys. While it is no surprise many of the children come from a life of severe poverty, directly witnessing those conditions has been perspective changing. HFLM’s reintegration process includes an evaluation of each home’s living standards and an assessment of physical and economic needs. In understanding the families’ skill set, we are seeking to create partnerships, bringing growth and sustainability, allowing them to provide for their children.


 Sarah, Patrick’s sister on the right, and her younger sister are facing starving because of their family’s severe poverty. They would be greatly blessed by having some of their basic needs provided for.
Yvette embracing Torey after receiving October’s rent money
One of the most touching visits was to the home of 9 year old Eric’s mother, Yvette. The contrast of the living conditions Eric was raised in to where he is now staying at HFLM was striking. Yvette lives in a small mud hut with a cloth over the main door, dirt floors, and a roof eaten by rust. She barely survives from her income of sifting beans and wishes she could start over and have a new life. Although she was downcast and initially reserved, by the end of our visit she also confided about her drinking problem which is encouraged by her abusive and alcoholic boyfriend.

During the evaluation, the presence of Spirit was felt strongly in the room and it was clear Jesus had more in mind. Torey felt led to share with Yvette the Father’s love for her. Following prayer, Yvette accepted him into her heart for the first time and her spirit was noticeably lifted. In gaining knowledge that Yvette had been unable to pay her rent this past month Torey handed her the money for October’s rent, and Yvette completely broke down into joyous tears. It was a powerful, Spirit filled afternoon. Unfortunately, the living conditions at the home are not suitable for Eric to return home, but we feel optimistic of Yvette’s genuine heart to change her life and follow Christ. Our hope is to help her move near HFLM with a fresh start. The job opportunities are exponentially higher and it would also allow her relationship with Eric to strengthen, while he continues to be nurtured at HFLM.

 This family would be blessed with cemented floors, roof reparations, and a front door
We would love to raise the funds to support these families by the time the boys go home in December. The needs of each family are unique ranging from: house additions, roofs or walls, and farm animals to loans to start small businesses. On our website (click here) you can find a list of ways to help. One specific opportunity is to celebrate the reunions and abundantly bless the boys and their families this Holiday season. We have started a Christmas Gift Exchange, where you can select a gift(s) such as: sending a child to school, repairing a portion of a family’s home, or providing capital to assist in starting a business endeavor. Whether it be a Christmas present for a friend or simply as a direct gift to these families, your generosity will make a major difference in the lives of a family.
Pascal tending our new goats
Thank you so much for your support and a special thanks to Northshore Baptist Church (Bothell, WA). Missions Pastor Tim Burke visited the home, bringing a generous donation from the church of water pumps and money to buy goats. We have already purchased 5 goats, and will be breeding them for the families of the boys being reintegrated. It is humbling and exciting to watch these families grow by the grace of God and your generosity. We are filled with gratitude for all of our sponsors and for the chance to play a part in this process of the Spirit in action.

Hope For Life October 2012 Update

A note from our volunteer: Torey
Generously supported by my family in California and Colorado, I’ve made my way to Rwanda to work with Hilliary for the next four months. Along with general administrative tasks, my main focus will be empowering the families of those being reintegrated. To help with this task, five interns from my alma mater business school at CU Boulder are partnering with us. They will be researching income-generating projects for the boys and their families along with potential partnerships with other NGO’s in the area. We’ll keep you posted on the progress!
With sustainability in mind, Stuart and I have spent much of our time with the boys farming at the home.  With a new plan in place we hope to save $100 USD every three months by growing our greatest food expenses! It’s quite a scene with the older boys hard at work breaking up the solid dirt, the younger boys climbing the trees to avoid their morning chore, and the whole neighborhood gathering to point and laugh as three, white “muzungus” are out farming alongside everyone. With the language barrier extremely visible, it’s been a great way to bond over our task at hand. Stuart and I are so excited to be here and grateful to be apart of God’s plan for HFLM!

Our two volunteers: Torey and Stuart

We have witnessed God’s faithfulness in guiding HFLM the last four years and believe that the new season we are entering is the next step in continuing to follow His direction. The Rwandan government is in the process of reintegrating all children from institutes into families. In compliance, we are working to do what is best for the boys by intentionally reconnecting them with their immediate families, extended families, and church sponsors. We are confident that this new direction of partnering with Rwandan families will offer our children an improved loving and supportive environment.  Our goal is to take a holistic approach to place each of our boys into loving families by December 2013.

In the year ahead we are working to prepare the boys for returning to their families, empowering the families to receive their children, and equipping them with the skills to provide for their children. In preparation to accomplish these goals, we have recruited two interns, Torey and Stuart, who are counseling the boys and preparing the families.

One of our strategies in this process has been developing a network of families through a newly started mentorship program. In joint venture with the local church, we have paired each boy with a participating family. This program works to help our boys have a godly male role model, experience a healthy family setting, and begin to dissolve the negative stereotype towards Rwandan street kids.

This past Sunday, Simeon’s mentor who is the Pastor at the boys’ church, took him overnight to join in with a family party.  Simeon was thrilled to report that he got to drink Fanta, eat plantains and cassava, and played with other kids. Paul’s mentor declared, “Paul is now my son, and if he ever doesn’t have somewhere to go, he can come in my house as a son.” We are so blessed to see how God is alive in the hearts of our community.

Claude seeing his sister and grandmother for the first time!
One of the boys who we were worried it would be difficult to reintegrate was little Claude. After a year long search for any living family of little Claude’s, we finally made contact with his grandmother who had lost all hope that Claude was alive. Claude’s excitement at visiting his grandmother could be seen in the bounce in his walk, his energetic demeanor, and a smile that would not leave his face. When we took Claude to visit her, it was indeed a joyous reunion and they eagerly took Claude into their home. The grandmother was overjoyed to see her grandson again and Claude couldn’t stop hugging his sister. We are so grateful that we were able to reunite Claude with a loving family, and we feel confident that he will prosper in his new home.

With all of the children being reintegrated, we are looking at options for the future of HFLM.  We would like to continue running HFLM as a family centered home for street children and are searching for someone to come alongside of Hilliary to help carry the torch. In the meantime, we are continuing to work with government officials to verify homes like ours will indeed be allowed to remain open after 2014. Please be praying for us in these three powerful ways: 1) for God to give us clear direction and wisdom with the reintegration plan, 2) for a torch bearer, and 3) for the future functions of the home. Thank you again for all of your encouragement and continued support!


Hope For Life September 2012 Update

These past few months have been a very fruitful time with so many blessings that fill us with gratitude.  We have witnessed continued spiritual development, prepared for reconciliation, welcomed visitors and interns, and even built a composting toilet.
The boys had a craft day and made masks out of materials Andy brought
Two visitors came from America to volunteer at HFLM this last month. Andy Frank came with a suitcase full of soccer balls, games, crafts, and snacks! The boys had been begging almost every day for soccer balls and were absolutely thrilled to receive 3 new balls. Elizabeth Primus spent 2 weeks at HFLM helping with various activities, the largest project being building a composting toilet. Yes, a toilet that composts human waste and safely turns it into compost that can be used as fertilizer.  Although we have not yet built the shelter around the toilet, several boys excitedly reported that they have already used the toilet.
Elizabeth teaching the boys to make the composting toilet
We will be reconciling eight boys with their families this December, and a handful of boys were worried about going home because they don’t have a toilet. We are grateful for this new skill of building eco-friendly toilets that was taught by Elizabeth, so that our boys and their families can benefit from having a toilet.
Elizabeth also brought funds with her that were raised in the USA to treat our boys to an outing. We took them to a local hotel to swim for the afternoon.  Even Veterne, who has limited use of his legs, was able to join and swim for the first time in his life. Although he was a bit terrified, he was thrilled to be taking part with the rest of the boys and by the end was swimming by himself with a life vest.
Veterne swimming for the first time in his life
We have been proud of our boys in their continued spiritual development. They have been leading Saturday morning devotions, encouraging each other in their faith, eagerly participating in prayer times at their church and are excited to share their faith with others. We shared in Daniel’s joy this last month, because after completing three months of Bible courses, he publicly proclaimed his faith by being baptized.  
Daniel being baptized
This last month we were sad to say goodbye to Gwen, our intern from Moody Bible Institute. The boys and staff will miss her dearly, but the mark she left on the ministry will not be forgotten. On the other hand, we are excited to welcome two more interns, Torey Rozario and Stuart Cornutt, who will be spending the next 4 months serving at HFLM. Torey will be heading up our self-sustainability projects, primarily focusing on training the boys in self-sustainability skills and passing those skills on to their families as a means of income generation. Stuart, who just completed his Masters in Counseling Psychology, will be aiding in counseling the boys and developing a more thorough counseling program at HFLM.
Please keep in your prayers the boys at HFLM as several of them are preparing for the transition of returning to their families. Also, please be praying for Stuart and Torey, and the rest of the staff, as they will be instrumental in the successful reconciliation of these eight boys in December. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. 


August Update

             (Twizerimana before and after the streets)

Last July, HFLM took in 14-year-old Twizerimana (meaning “believe God”) who initially had a countenance of grief due to a deeply wounded life. His life dramatically changed a year ago when his father died from AIDS, and weeks later, his mother passed away from malaria. He had nowhere to go after his mother died, so he began living on the streets and not even his relatives were willing to bring him into their home. After some time, Twizerimana was arrested and put into prison simply for living on the streets. He was released in April, and after attending HFLM’s outreach program in May, he gave his life to Christ. He says that, “…after coming to know Christ I changed my life and I stopped smoking cigarettes.” It is amazing to see how God began a work in Twizerimana’s life, brought him to HFLM, and has transformed his countenance to joyful smiling and laughing.

It is exciting to see the boys’ maturation in Christ as they have found joy in reading the Bible and applying its truth to their lives. Every Saturday morning the boys lead devotions at HFLM. 17-year-old Baby shared from Isaiah 54:17 which says, “no weapon formed against you shall succeed.” He confessed that anyone who looked at him before could tell he had many problems. He described the painful situation in his family that has been burdening him; “The last time I visited my mother it was so evident that she is dying that when we [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][he and his mother] looked at each other, we began crying and praying to God.” Baby then broke down in tears as he pleaded with us to pray for his mother. Baby shared that he’s also been struggling in school and has received bad grades. However, he explained, “I have felt happy since reading Isaiah 54:17. It is impossible for humans to be happy all the time, but I can find joy through reading the Word of God. He is for us and not against us.” A transformation in his attitude towards life has been unmistakable to everyone. Fellow HFLM member, David, shared an encouraging word to Baby and the rest of the boys saying, “I want to tell you the difference between dying and perishing. Us believers, we will die and have eternal life, but those who don’t know Christ will perish. Although we may think we are poor, we are richer than the richest person in the world because we know Christ. Most of our families don’t know Jesus, and we need to share this treasure with them.” As staff, we are proud and humbled to be a part of such momentous moments such as these.

During the month of August, the kids will be on their vacation. During this break, some boys will get the chance to go home to visit their families for a week. Several boys are eager to go home and share with their family how Christ has changed their lives and their hearts. Two of the boys, Veterne and Daniel, are going home to see their sister get baptized. They are both so excited and exclaimed they never thought they would see the day when their sister would accept Christ and be baptized. We are so excited that they have the opportunity to share in the joy of attending their sister’s baptism, as well as the opportunity to watch their sister grow in Christ. 

Hilliary also had the opportunity to share on TBN what God is doing in HFLM. Watch here.
Thank-you all for joining in this life transforming work and making it possible for these children and young men to have hope and a future.
God bless you,

Executive Director





July Update

Hope For Life July 2012 Update
Praise the Lord! Hilliaryand Gwen, our intern from Moody Bible Institute, arrived safely in Rwanda. They are enjoying living at the home with the boys, showing God’s love to them, and teaching them how to play baseball!
Paul tried to translate the baseball rules to the boys, but they only seemed to catch the gist of it. After the first inning, only one child remained in the outfield and everyone else wanted to bat. Eight-year-old Simeon, and a few of the other younger boys, ran around the bases, purposefully stalling so that Hilliary had to chase after them to tag them with the ball. They would giggle as she ran after them, trying to show off how much faster they had gotten in the last six months. The most hysterical sight was seeing six- year-old Claude at bat. Mid swing, Claude would switch the bat to his other hand and circle around, trying to hit the ball. To his delight, his batting technique somehow worked and got him on base once!
God is continuing to bless and grow this ministry. Our Wednesday outreach program has grown to 20 boys. The devotion this week was led by Gwen, who talked to the boys about how God is always there with them and for them. She asked the kids if they have ever felt like nobody cared for them, and several sad faces nodded their heads in acknowledgement. They were joyful to hear of God’s love and care for them, even when it feels like no one else does.
On a sad note, after much discussion and prayer, HFLM staff have decided it best to send nine-year-old Nsabiri back to his home and mom. He has been negatively influencing the other children and even posed as a threat to them. We are saddened that other disciplinary action did not change Nsabiri’s attitude and that this resulted in his departure from our program. However, we are committed to following up with him at home. Please join us in praying for a heart change and for his safety at home with his mom.
In the coming season, HFLM is focusing our efforts on internal development. Our Executive Director, Hilliary, is looking forward to implementing a new structure at the home that will increase supervision and unity. We believe that it is essential to equip our Rwandan leaders to run the home and we are excited to focus on this. Hilliary hopes to impact our leader’s characters and deepen their relationships with Christ through intense staff training, theological training, and discipleship courses. We pray that this will aid in transforming our staff from the inside out.
Your prayers and gifts make all the difference to our children in Rwanda and your ongoing partnership allows us to meet our goals and continue transforming their lives. Thank you for joining us in showing God’s love to Rwandan street boys!
God bless you,