
HFLM Rescues Two New Boy

We are delighted to announce that Hope For Life Ministry accepted two new boys into our program last month. We are honored to introduce our new friends to you!

Irakiza outside his new home at HFLM

Five-year-old Irakizi is the youngest member of our HFLM family. He has a huge personality and brings great creativity and energy to the home. He can often be found exploring our property, creating games, and making others smile with his contagious laughter. When asked why he likes HFLM, Irakiza responded, “I like Hope For Life because they give me food and meat and French fries and potatoes and bread!” Irakiza, however, hasn’t always been so happy. He spent his young life on Rwanda’s streets, finding meals in the garbage dump and was the victim of regular physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. When another children’s center called us saying they found a boy too young for their program, we excitedly welcomed Irakiza into our family.

Valence after being accepted into HFLM’s home

17-year old Valence is a quiet and humble young man who had been living on the streets in HFLM’s neighborhood for the past four years. Valence grew up living with his grandmother. When she passed away, the sons of his grandmother told him to go to his father’s family, because they were worried he might inherit their land. Valence sought out his father and found him living in such severe poverty that he couldn’t even afford to buy food, let alone pay for school fees. Valence decided that life on the streets would be better than starving at home. Two years ago, we met Valence when he began coming to HFLM’s outreach program, where he would wash his clothes, eat a nutritious meal, receive counseling, and pray with our staff. After showing significant growth and a motivation to live a changed life, we brought him to live at our HFLM home. He is enjoying his new family, and we are all thrilled to have him with us!

Both Irakiza and Valence are in need of sponsors. If you are interested in supporting them partially or in full, please visit our sponsorship page

Your support is empowering children who have lost hope to have an opportunity for new life. As the Christmas season approaches, we are reminded of God’s great love for us and that He is the Father to the fatherless. God bless and Merry Christmas! 


“I’m deeply moved by the healing and hope that HFLM brings to children and I feel honored to have been a part of it. God is so present here. The word transformative gets thrown around often but this work truly IS transformative.” –Torey de Rozario

This month, the boys and staff of HFLM said goodbye to Torey de Rozario after over two years of service. Torey’s hard work has powerfully shaped HFLM and her impact will continue as she continues to serve the ministry stateside. Under Torey’s leadership, HFLM has transitioned all of our children over to private English school, developed a robust family empowerment program, trained and transitioned leadership over to Chantal and Marie Clarice, and raised over $65,000! Torey brought unity and life to our children and staff as she so naturally emits love to those around her. We have become our best with Torey around us and we could not be more grateful for her outpouring of skills, time, and heart into HFLM. 

Torey and Benjamin, before she headed back to the USA on November 4th.

One of Torey’s most life changing experiences was rescuing and naming two five-year old twins. These twins had only been called “boy” and “girl” and endured heart-breaking abuse while fending for themselves on the streets. Through HFLM, Benjamin and Grace are now learning their identity through their heavenly father and know they are deeply loved.

One year later, Benjamin and Grace have just completed their first year of school! They have been given a whole new world of opportunities through education, counseling, and the love of their new families. After only one year in school, Benjamin is already one of HFLM’s strongest English speakers and often translates for the other boys. Benjamin’s confidence, discipline and deep joy are touching to witness. He frequently goes out of his way to help others, and the biggest smile appears on his face every time he is told what a good boy he is. HFLM remains closely connected with Grace as well, who lives in a nearby home for girls and regularly visits to receive counseling and play with her brother. To watch Benjamin and Grace’s full story on youtube, click here.

Benjamin and Grace’s radical transformation from an identity and life on the streets gives us a glimpse into God’s deep love and justice for his children. They are such a strong testament to the freedom and healing He is bringing and we are so honored to be doing this work with you!

Thank you to each of you who participated in our recent fundraisers in Edmonds, Washington and Vail, Colorado! Together, we raised nearly $24,000 to continue our transformative work with vulnerable children. We are so grateful!
Edmonds, WA Benefit Dinner from left to right: Co-Founders Chantal, Hilliary, Megan, pianist Jason Coult, HFLM Board President Christophe.



An Important Milestone – Rwandan Leadership

Our strategic vision has always been to equip indigenous Rwandan leaders to care for their own community themselves. Over the last year, we have been training and preparing Co-Founder and Program Director Chantal Umutesi, and Administrative Director Marie Clarice Nyachio, to run the operations of HFLM in Rwanda. We are excited to announce that at the beginning of this month, these ladies will begin co-directing HFLM. Over the past five years, God has used each of our American Directors’ unique talents to build a strong foundation for HFLM, to develop our programs, and to progress HFLM’s sustainability through developing Rwandan leadership. We are incredibly grateful for Torey de Rozario, who served as Executive Director for the past year and headed up the leadership transition. Torey will be completing her last month serving in Rwanda, and we would like to congratulate her on her hard work and for accomplishing our long standing goal!

Marie Clarice and Benjamin

Torey and Chantal

The Executive Director position will be split between Chantal Umutesi and Marie Clarice. Marie Clarice and Chantal beautifully balance each other in education, experience, and skill sets. We believe this change will bring a new strength to HFLM and a deeper connection with our mission to bring healing and hope to vulnerable Rwandan children as Rwandans take the lead in the Ministry. Torey will remain in Rwanda for another month, play an active advisor role upon returning to America for 6 months to ensure a smooth transition, and will then join the Board of Directors.

Chantal reeceiving kisses from Benjamin and Claude

We are thankful for God’s guidance during these times of transition. He has proved over and over again that HFLM is HIS ministry and that HE will be the one to sustain and lead it. Please join us in praying for our new directors and celebrating this important milestone in our journey.



We Love Our Volunteers

Over the past five years since our inception, Hope For Life has been greatly impacted by the countless individuals who have generously shared their resources, talents, and time. They continue to make our work with the children on the streets possible.
One such individual we’ve depended on in numerous ways over the last year is Charlie Gladitsch.  After graduating in 2013, Charlie jumped at the opportunity to volunteer a year of his time as the HFLM Sustainability Coordinator. Over the past several years, we have wanted to focus more on self-sufficiency as an organization. That has been possible recently as a result of Charlie’s dedication. Here are just some of the things that have happened under Charlie’s creative leadership:

  • A water catchment system was designed and built, which provides clean water and reduces water costs
  • New farming techniques were developed that improve our ability to grow food and reduce our food costs
  • Construction of a chicken coup and development of a plan to allow the boys to eat one of our goats each month which increases the boys’ protein intake
  • A new sponsorship program was created
  • An innovative and interactive communication workshop was held for our staff
  • A new basketball court was funded and built

Charlie visits Baby and Pacifique at boarding school
Those were just a few of the extensive projects that Charlie orchestrated and was the mastermind behind. And now Charlie is hosting a fundraiser in his hometown of Vail, Colorado on October 3rd. He saw firsthand that committed donors play a central role in HFLM’s sustainability.  Charlie exemplifies self-sacrifice, innovation, and generosity on a daily basis and we are so grateful for the role he plays.

Here’s a huge hug and a heartfelt thank you to each one of you who helps make transformation on Rwanda’s streets possible each month. Together we are making a difference.



Business Loan Reunites Family

We are honored to invite you to a benefit dinner and silent auction on October 12th! Spend the evening with HFLM’s three co-founders (Chantal Umutesi is coming all the way from Rwanda!) to learn more about our transformative work and raise money to provide for the incredible children that have come into our lives. To learn more and RSVP for the event, click here

Over the past three years, we have been able to transition 11 boys from our center into their families’ homes. Although the work of reconciliation is difficult and requires extensive time and energy from all parties involved, seeing a child who was once living alone on the streets now smiling with his family, makes it all worth it. It has been amazing seeing God work in the families of our boys, and we want share Eric’s and Simeon’s stories with you.

Eric’s Story

8-year-old Eric came to HFLM covered with scabies with his life in danger. HFLM’s Children’s Director, Chantal, says, “The boys who lived with Eric on the streets were so violent. They used to beat him and give him drugs… it took him 3 weeks to recover upon coming to HFLM.” Over the past two years, HFLM has helped Eric’s mom, Yvette, leave an abusive relationship and relocate to a neighborhood near HFLM. She now sees Eric almost every day and is even employed tending our small vegetable farm. We are hopeful that as Yvette grows in stability, Eric will soon be able to return home. To “meet” Eric and his mom, watch his testimony on youtube by clicking here.

Simeon’s Story6-year-old Simeon arrived at HFLM in 2009 as an extremely malnourished, shy, and sick child. His parents love him deeply but were unable to provide for his physical needs with their extremely small income of $18 per month.

Left: Simeon when we took him into HFLM; Right: Simeon now

Over the next three and a half years, HFLM staff worked extensively with his parents to develop their ability to generate enough income to meet their family’s needs. This journey began by connecting them with a local savings group where they participated in devotionals and learned basic business skills. Shortly after, HFLM helped them develop a business plan and granted them a loan to start a small shop. Each quarter, Simeon’s father would walk three hours to make his loan payment and never missed a single one. Through his new business, he has doubled his monthly income and Simeon was able to return to live with his parents and nine siblings in 2012.

HFLM staff visits Simeon (center in) and his family at their home.

Due to their demonstrated character, the success of their business and their commitment to honesty, we have recently granted their family a second loan of $240. By next year, Simeon’s family will have raised their monthly income to $50, enabling them to increase their provisions to their children.

To read more highlights of our work, view our 2013 annual report. Thank you for your participation in building God’s kingdom in Rwanda. We are deeply grateful for each one of you!


July 2014 – Sustainability & Water

For the past several years, HFLM has been pursuing ideas related to our self-sufficiency as an organization. One such idea has been a water distribution project to supply water for our home and farming operations. Last fall, HFLM was connected with Santa Clara University and two seniors, Colin and Scott, chose HFLM as their project for their Senior Engineering Design Course. During this course, they designed a rain catcher water system for HFLM that would meet 100% of our water demand during the rainy season and up to 50% of our needs during the dry season. Over the course of the school year, they spent hours studying Rwanda’s rainfall, HFLM’s water usage and our housing architecture.

Colin and Scott with the boys and staff at HFLM

As Colin and Scott became invested into their project, they decided that they wanted to personally visit the boys and build the water system themselves. After much fundraising to cover all the building and travel costs, Colin and Scott arrived in April and spent the next two weeks living with the boys and bringing their project into fruition. The system catches rainfall from our roof and funnels it into two large tanks where the water is purified and dispersed throughout the house.
One of the best parts of their trip was that they had our older boys work alongside them to construct the water system. 19-year-old Baby and 16-year-old Ja’ Rule quickly became experts in using the power drill and would stay up late into the night with head lamps on to assist and collect tools for Colin and Scott. Since the older boys helped build the entire water system, they understand it and are fully capable of making any future repairs themselves!
Ja’ Rule and Baby using the power drill to install the rain catcher pipes.
We are extremely grateful for Colin and Scott. Choosing our project was a blessing in itself, but going the extra 9,000 miles to build the system and raise all the funds was amazing! Our new water system will reduce our overhead costs each month and ensures that we will have water amidst the frequent water outages that are experienced in our community. Not only will this save us up to $700 a year on water bills, but more importantly, it enables the boys to have easy access to clean water. Hooray!

Left: The boys rolling the new water tank to the top of the hill. Right: The low maintenance sand filter that purifies the rain water.
We love our community of supporters and are truly blown away by the creative ways you merge your talents and skills with our needs. We are blessed!



June 2014 – Professionalism Field Trip

With your help over the past five years, our boys have grown into young men before our eyes. As the oldest youth continue succeeding in secondary school, we have increasingly focused on preparing them for their futures beyond formal education. We recently partnered with Karisimbi Business Partners and Asili Natural Oils to take our eldest six youth on a professional field trip. To prepare for the day, the boys spent time learning about professionalism, practicing hand shakes, and learning to introduce themselves with confidence, eye contact, and clear voices. 19-year old Paul was so excited for the field trip that he couldn’t sleep the night before. When the day of their trip finally arrived, these young men took an hour and a half to get ready! They were bursting with anticipation and excitement. 

From left to right: Jon Porter of Karisimbi Business Partners, David, D’Amour, Paul, Baby, Jack & Pacifique
David, D’Amour, Paul, Baby, Jack, and Pacifique visited Asili Natural Oils and spent the day job shadowing and learning about business, professionalism, and future careers offered within the field. They were inspired by a current employee who was a former street child. This man was hired after completing school, and he shared that through hard work and integrity, he was promoted multiple times and is now a supervisor. It was an incredibly eye-opening experience for our youth to see that after they complete secondary school, a future career is indeed attainable. 19-year-old Baby said of the experience, “Seeing their company gave me hope. I saw that you can start at something small but through hard work, you can develop. I can make it in life. I’m so happy for this experience.”

After the visit, the manager of Asili Natural Oils commented on how impressed he was by our boys’ focus and attentiveness. Because of how professionally our boys behaved, we are now coordinating with Asili management possible internships this coming winter.

We are so proud of our young men! Five years ago, their only dream was to survive. Today, they are not only exploring potential careers, but have developed hope, self-confidence, and a strong work ethic. May the hope that is so tangibly displayed in these young men’s futures bring you great encouragement. They could not have gotten to where they are without the HFLM community at large standing beside them. Thank you!



May 2014

Five years ago, Hope For Life Ministry began when we rescued 11 of our young friends from prison with nothing but a vision and a few hundred dollars in our pocket. We didn’t feel qualified or capable, but we knew that God had called us to be a presence in these 11 boys’ lives. We never could have imagined the journey ahead of us, the drastic changes we’d all help make in the lives of so many children, or that five years later we’d still have the privilege of participating in such amazing work.

18-year-old Pacifique was one of the original eleven who we rescued from prison in 2009. His dedication to his new life has been evidenced by his strong desire to follow the Lord, his kind nature towards others, and his academic success. Before coming to HFLM, Pacifique didn’t speak any English, but now he is able to share his testimony in English. He says, “What can I say? I love Hope For Life. It is like a good family here. The other boys are like my brothers. It is different from the streets. On the streets my favorite food was drugs. I took the drugs to make me free from the sadness… On the streets, I was sad but now there is a difference. I think God has a plan for me. I’m hopeful for a good future. I want to be a good man and I want a job and a family.” Watch him tell his full story here.

Celebrating HFLM’s 5 year anniversary!
To commemorate our five-year anniversary and celebrate the boy’s perseverance during their first term in their new school, children and staff spent the day swimming, feasting, and reflecting. Each boy was given the opportunity to speak about his journey through HFLM. Six-year-old Benjamin shared about how he knows for the first time in his young life that he is loved, and that he has value. We wish that each of you could have been present to hear the boys share about their growth and transformation. It was a powerful day that none of us will soon forget.
The countless transformations we’ve witnessed have only occurred because you were willing to generously give your time, heart, and resources. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The past five years by the numbers:
  44 boys have gone through our rehabilitation program.
     1 brand new house built by the Hovde  Foundation.
  19 boys and 1 staff member chose to be baptized.
204financial supporters partnered with us.
   18 Rwandans have been provided with jobs.
   11 boys have been reintegrated back into their families.
     9 US church congregations sponsored our work.
    1meeting with the First Lady of Rwanda.
 14 children have been sponsored from their homes, preventing a life on the streets.

Denver Fundraiser Update:

HFLM raised over $49,000 last month at the Colorado Benefit Dinner and 10 of you committed to sponsoring a child for a year! Thank you for your overwhelming generosity!






April 2014 Update

“It takes a village to raise a child.” This ancient African proverb holds true for Hope For Life Ministry (HFLM) as the children we serve depend on the talents, prayers, and financial contributions from hundreds of generous people like you. We have been immensely impressed with how individuals are finding creative ways to get involved in transforming the lives of Rwandan children.

Kaiah painting to raise money for the boys at HFLM!
Two years ago, seven-year-old Kaiah lived with her family in Rwanda where they served at HFLM. Kaiah spent her days playing with the boys and developing a deep friendship with them. She remembers, “I saw the kids who lived on the streets near our house. They were lonely and didn’t have anything to eat. I know it isn’t good to steal… but they steal because they need to eat. I don’t like stealing, but I don’t like starving either.” When Kaiah heard about the fire that scourged the HFLM center in December, she wanted to do something to help her friends who have already endured so many challenges in their young lives. Her first idea was to sell her rock collection and give the money to the boys. However, after much thought and encouragement from her parents, Kaiah decided to open a small art business where she paints one to two pictures a week and donates the funds to HFLM. Kaiah hopes the money she raises will buy the boys “…things they need like clothes, books and fun toys”. We are so proud of young Kaiah and the fantastic example she is providing to show us we can all do something to help end child homelessness in Rwanda. (See Kaiah’s artwork here!)

Buy a pair of Gutanga pants and support HFLM!

Inspired by the resiliency of the Rwandan people and their fun sense of fashion, former HFLM volunteer Stuart Cornutt is using his entrepreneurial skills to support HFLM’s transformative work. Stuart has created a clothing line called Gutanga (“to give” in Kinyarwanda) that embodies the vivid colors and energetic designs he saw in Rwanda. The best part about these fashionable pants is that a portion of each sale goes to HFLM – how awesome! Check out Gutanga’s website at or like them on Facebook!

Torey at the end of the benefit dinner, feeling honored by the support of her Denver community.

HFLM’s Executive Director, Torey Rozario, was home in Colorado last month and with the help of countless friends and relatives, she organized a benefit dinner that left us speechless. Torey’s goal was to raise $10,000. After a beautiful evening in the Colorado mountains, the 160 people who attended the event raised over $40,000 and money continues to come in! There were also commitments to see 10 of our boys through their entire education! Torey cried tears of joy with each donation envelope that she opened, praising God for the overwhelming generosity of her community. Thank you, Denver, for making this the most successful fundraiser HFLM has ever held! Stay tuned for the final count of the generous donations and links to the touching videos shared at the event.

We are so proud of our HFLM community and all that we have been able to accomplish together. May we each continue to use the talents, resources, and time God has given us to give hope to children.   

March 2014 Update

Top: Marie Clarice. Bottom: Eric and Emile

This month, we have the pleasure of introducing you to our newest staff member, Marie Clarice. Marie Clarice is serving as Hope For Life Ministry’s Lead Residential Counselor, supervising the residential counselors as well as counseling each child at HFLM. Marie Clarice is naturally gifted in counseling and possesses a wealth of experience in the social work field. She holds a Bachelors degree in Community Development and is currently working on her Masters degree in Public Administration. Within her first month serving at HFLM, she not only identified areas that needed improvement, but she implemented changes that have made a huge impact on our boys and the overall organization of our home. Noticing the tendency for the boy’s rooms to remain messy and unorganized throughout the week, Marie Clarice made a deal with the boys. If they could keep their rooms spotless for one month, she promised to take them all horseback riding – a new experience for them all. The next day, their rooms were the cleanest we have ever seen them, and they remained that way for the next four weeks!
One month later, 11 of our boys in primary school and two staff members drove to a nearby “ranch.” It was the first time that any of our boys have seen a horse, yet alone ridden one! We expected the boys to be scared, but after receiving instruction, they boldly stepped up and hopped on the huge creatures with utter delight. To top off the exciting day, Marie Clarice surprised everyone with dinner that she arranged herself and an evening of dancing at the venue.

Six year old Claude training his horse: “When I first saw the horse, I thought it was big! But I wasn’t scared. I learned I couldn’t ride politely. You have to be stern with a horse.”
Marie Clarice’s creative thinking and generosity not only provided a valuable lesson in the importance of taking care of possessions, but it also led to a treasured experience and memory for our boys. For a week after their horse riding adventure, the boys could be heard telling their schoolmates and teachers of their experience: “Do you know what to do if you’re riding a horse and it starts turning? You have to pull up on the reigns!”

14 year old Obedi, excited to be riding a horse: “It was a good day! I want to ride a horse again.”
The past few months have been full of new experiences for the boys, from shifting to their new private school, to hearing their song, “You are Precious,” on the radio in Rwanda and in the USA, and now horseback riding! It has been beautiful to watch the children realize the significance behind these special moments – that they are valuable and their future is not defined by their past.

In this season of goodness that God has placed HFLM in, we hope these stories encourage and uplift you. Please join us in celebrating the transformative work that God is doing through all of our joint efforts. “For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’” (Jeremiah 29:11)