
Rejoicing on the Path Unplanned

This powerful blog post was written by Hope for Life’s Sponsorship Coordinator, Amanda Good.


I stopped writing at the end of last year all together after the loss of one of our sponsored boys. The death of my sweet friend Patrick hurt. Every time I have tried writing since, I’ve become overwhelmed, closed my computer, and walked away. But, I’m finally ready. It’s time for more stories.

Last November was bittersweet. It brought with it a crushing brokenness alongside something beautiful. In a span of three days one boy’s life ended while another was made anew. I want to tell you about two boys.

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Patrick, 12 years old

Patrick was timid, studious, kind, and friendly. He was the younger brother of one of the boys who lives at our home. Patrick stayed with his mom just around the corner from us. He was in our sponsorship program. We saw him frequently on weekends when he came to visit. He was a sweet, gentle boy, who liked long hugs.

In mid October we learned that Patrick’s mom had been diagnosed with HIV. My coworker and I went to check on her because we heard she wasn’t doing well. When we walked into her home we found her on her thin mattress on the ground, laying on her side, extremely sick. She sat up, meeting us with weary eyes, fighting back tears at our arrival. I looked around and couldn’t fathom what she was going through. There were bits and pieces of stale food on the dirt floor. The smell pierced your nose. She told us about the treatment she was receiving and that neighbors were helping her as much as they could.

She went on to tell us that her son Patrick was also sick. Patrick was just around the corner of the small two-bedroom place, she called him in. The sight that followed remains seared in my mind. There was a small curtain; at first I only saw his two ankles. My fear grew as his feet stumbled forward. The curtain opened to the left and there he was. He stepped through the doorway, let himself down to the ground, and lay on the unclean mattress with his mother. He laid his head on her lap. He shook with chills even though it was probably 85 degrees out. She covered him with a thick, rough blanket. I looked at his body trying to understand where the boy I knew had gone. I had never seen someone so malnourished. I stuffed down the emotions welling up inside of me. I turned to my coworker and in looking at her, without words, I knew we were both thinking the same thing. We both knew it wasn’t by chance we were here today. The mom was struggling to fight for herself. She couldn’t make food or take Patrick to the doctor; she needed someone to stand for her when she couldn’t. We knew it was God’s hand that brought us there to do something, so my coworker and I put Patrick between us, holding him up and were off to Hope for Life.

The following weeks Patrick remained with us, bouncing between different clinics, prescribed new medicines, none of which he responded to. He had constant diarrhea and was unable to hold down any food, drink, or medicine, continually throwing up anything with the potential to help him. He could barely sit up, leaving no chance of getting to the bathroom. The smell in his room was unbearable. Our boys would carry him to the shower and bathe him. They would wash his clothes for him. He hadn’t eaten in weeks and was beyond dehydrated. He had been treated for malaria, typhoid, and amebas. Everyone kept saying he just needed a few days and that he would be okay. During those weeks I wanted to believe he would recover but day in and day out I saw no signs of recovery. I arrived at work each day afraid to open his door. The worst of all combinations, I felt helpless and restless. His case wasn’t considered an emergency because he was mostly conscious, which meant no clinic would transfer him to a hospital and if we arrived at the hospital without a transfer they would refuse to admit him. While that room felt like a living nightmare there are memories within those walls that still bring a smile to my face.

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Valence carrying Patrick from the doctor

Day after day I watched our boys come into his room and pray for him. They sat near his bed. The kindness of our boys continued to bring love to him even in the hardest of times. There was one day we had taken him to a clinic and when we returned Patrick laid down on his bed looking at me. It felt like his eyes were trying telling me something. I had a feeling he didn’t want to be left alone. I had his brother Olivier ask him just to be sure. He told Olivier he didn’t want to sleep. I had Olivier ask him if he would like to play with some small boys. He nodded his head yes. Two small boys, Claude and Jean Paul had heard what he said. I watched them smile and sprint to go get the Legos and cars in the other room. They laid the Legos out in front of him while he sat up on the bed. He tried grabbing a Lego in front of him but he was too weak to lean over; the boys quickly realized this, and began picking up handfuls and holding them in front of him. Patrick’s eyes lit up grabbing pieces from their hands. He started building a house. One of our oldest boys Pacifique watched as he struggled to push the pieces together so he moved closer and began helping him build the house. What a sight. What compassion. What beauty in this dreary little room! My heart was full as I watched our boys love Patrick the best they could.

After almost three weeks of no progress, we knew it wasn’t enough to continue waiting it out; it was time to fight. We got him a transfer and admitted into a hospital after nearly 7 hours waiting outside the emergency room where the doctor had left the facility. Patrick’s brother, Olivier, and one other older boy who lives at Hope for Life, Valence, accompanied us (coworker, myself, and Patrick) to the hospital.

The emergency room, while horrifying, felt like a familiar place after last year’s experience with the young girl Sandrine who was in the hospital. The needs of that room felt once again like an unending ocean of needs. That scene is another story all to itself. I remember sitting down waiting for Patrick to be admitted after hours of running around trying to get someone to pay attention to his case. I was exhausted, frustrated, furious, and impatient. Valence and Olivier could see right through my aggression with nurses and the hospital, they saw behind my eyes the fear, but ultimately the sadness. I sat down away from the group for a few minutes while we waited for the doctor to arrive, Valence came and sat down next to me. He grabbed my hand, put it on his lap, and held mine in his. He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t need to because his actions said everything; you are not alone. He was loving me the best way he knew how, and it was enough.

Olivier stayed with Patrick overnight and I arrived early in the morning to relieve him. Immediately I was the entertainment of the room for the Rwandese mommas. They watched as the very clearly incompetent white girl attempted to communicate with the very sick boy to see how he was. The mom in the bed next to us was pointing to him and was doing some charade that very clearly meant to wash him. I told her yes but I didn’t have a basin. Then she gave me one and pointed outside. She helped me get Patrick outside where there was a balcony and a chair. This was going to be a first. I helped him take of his clothes, watching him barely able to hold himself up, and struggle to remain upright. I put soap in my hand and washed over his emaciated arms and legs, then pouring water over him as he shivered. He was so weak he could barely hold his head up. I wrapped him up with a towel, got clothes back on him, and then we sat together waiting for a nurse. The blood test work he had done the night before was still not processed because the machine to provide the results was broken. I anxiously paced around the nurses station asking when the machine would be fixed, they didn’t know. There I stood again, helpless, in a hospital with broken machines and inattentive doctors, praying for my God to help.

Hours went by with no answers; they promised we would have some by the next day. In the afternoon another coworker came to take over, I leaned down to Patrick, hugged him, and told him in Kinyarwanda “I love you.” Those words would become the last three words I said to Patrick because that was the last day I saw him before he passed away.

In the hospital they were unable to make a diagnosis aside from “blood infection”. His week in the hospital before passing away was also the week before I left for Kenya with Fred (plenty about him in blog’s previous). It was a crazy time with a lot going on at the organization but also in planning for what was coming up so soon with Fred. When I received the message that Patrick had passed away I immediately was filled with deep regret and guilt because I wasn’t there. I blamed myself for not being more present when he was in the hospital. I know I could have advocated for him more. I could have asked more questions of nurses and doctors to make sure they had a diagnosis. And those words have haunted me for months now, “I could have done more.”

Patrick’s burial was by far the hardest day I’ve had here, I’ve never experienced remorse and sadness intertwined as great as that. Watching a mother bury her son wrecked me, I felt like I personally had let her down. The bigger question I carried was, “Did I let God down?”

After months of wrestling with the loss of this little one, I finally have peace. It’s not a peace that says the death of a young boy is ever okay, it’s a peace that says and knows, “God is Almighty and in control, and I trust wholeheartedly this was His plan.” I don’t have to agree with the plans of God, I don’t have to like them, I just have to trust Him and I can do that because over and over again He has shown me His infinite love and goodness.

I saw His goodness just a day after we buried Patrick. Monday afternoon we had the burial and Tuesday at 6am I was boarding a flight with a 6-year-old named Fred on my way to Kenya. Of course this was how it was going to happen! Of course my God had a miracle in store after such a devastating loss! He didn’t give me time to sit on the side line, He picked me right up and said, “get back in the game!”

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Off to Kenya!

Traveling with a 6 year old who knows zero English and has never been outside of his village was hysterical. He was going through culture shock and loving it, eating everything edible in sight. I almost had to tell the flight attendants to stop bringing food because I was afraid he was going to get sick. I’ll never be able to fully understand the challenges of his life but during those days in Kenya, I got glimpses of just how difficult life is for him. He took his first shower not out of a bucket and he wanted to stand. In trying, he slipped trying to stand, from then on I helped him. When I was helping him, I thought back to Patrick, I felt sadness wash over me. I thought about Fred. I thought about how challenging life would be without a leg, to constantly need someone’s help, to rely on others. I would hate it. I hated that feeling when I tore my ACL and that was only for a few weeks. This was his life. One already amputated and potentially another depending on what the doctor said. I frequently was hit with waves of sadness about Patrick, running alongside my belief and hope Fred’s story would have a special ending, or should I say new beginning, all to its own.

The morning after we arrived in Kenya we met the doctor. Following our consult, the doctors ran scans and discussed his case. By the afternoon they had returned to us saying that an amputation wasn’t necessary and that they could repair the leg! I still replay the moment the doctor said that over and over again in my mind, asking him to say it again. I was in disbelief. I will never forget the moment that I called one of my coworkers and on speaker phone had her translate everything the doctor had said to Fred. I told Fred that we would be coming back to Kenya to have the leg repaired next year. He couldn’t contain himself. He covered his face with his pillow and rolled around in the bed, overwhelmed! We were both overwhelmed. We sat in the bunk bed together, smiles on our faces, laughing. In that moment I saw and understood how much correcting and keeping this remaining leg meant to him, it meant everything. From that night, Fred’s never been the same. He has a glow, his hope is visible, you can see it. He ditched his crutches, he’s got a strut. His mom said he returned from Kenya a new boy. And he did, he had a new identity. He saw himself in a new way, he saw the world in a new way. He had a new beginning, his life would never be the same.

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Fred after he heard the news!
Fred after he heard the news!

These two boys, Fred and Patrick have shown me just how fragile and unpredictable this life is. No matter how hard we plan, everything can change in a moment’s notice. There are twists and turns we never would have chosen. We find ourselves in positions and places we never expected to be; sometimes we wind up exactly where we were born to be. We get beat up. We stand up. We grow up. We march on with the choice to lick our wounds or walk tall, and champion them. We all know bad things come suddenly, but maybe we forget that’s how good things come too. We can spend our whole lives imagining and planning one path, one future and then there comes a day when it all changes. In these times, some prayers are answered while others are not. When they aren’t answered, it doesn’t mean they weren’t heard. There is a God who hears our cries and feels our pain, and He is with us in all of it. Fred’s shown me that against all odds and all defeats, to never give up, to wake up and fight, to remain steadfast in hope, to know anything is possible for those who believe. I can see now, even after our darkest days, we can find ourselves rejoicing on the path that wasn’t planned, the one that hurt for a while… and truth be told, its so much better than anything we ever could have imagined.

To read more about Amanda’s journey visit her blog:



“I don’t worry about where to sleep anymore…”

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So far in 2016, you have enabled seven children to join our home (pictured above), and four kids to join our community sponsorship program. THANK YOU for your support!


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Last month, we welcomed Elisha, Cyrpien, Felix, and Junior into our family. The boys met through a partner non-profit. They were separated briefly when Junior was arrested for residing on the streets. The moment they were finally reunited and learned they’d all live together at HFL, they hugged as a group for a long time. All four boys are in need of sponsors. Learn more at


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“I’m so happy to be at Hope For Life! I don’t worry about food or where to sleep anymore. And I get to go to school! I like playing, eating, learning, and being with friends but my favorite part of living here is learning about God and praying together.” – Junior, 10 years old


Happy Seventh Anniversary!

As we celebrate our seventh anniversary this month, I invite you to look forward 20 years. I invite you to imagine the most influential people in Rwanda being those who were a part of Hope For Life. I invite you to imagine a generation of healthy and skilled men and women who are passionate about loving God and their communities. I invite you to imagine teachers who equip the young, doctors who heal the sick, dads who are able to provide for their children, politicians who advocate for the poor, and pastors leading their communities towards Jesus. Then, I invite you to remember that these men and women are doing this because twenty years before, YOU believed in them as children. Your partnership is not only changing lives in Rwanda today, but it is shaping future generations of leaders to come.


Thank you for being a vital part of our family!


Our Family Has Grown by Three

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Meet Eric, Aimable, and Jean Dedieu

aimable splits After enduring years of extreme poverty, abuse, violence, and trauma, all three boys decided at a young age that life on the streets sounded better than life at home. They met at a non-profit that offers dance as therapy for homeless youth, and were connected with Hope For Life soon after.


Eric, Aimable, and Jean Dedieu have greatly enjoyed transitioning to their new home, no longer worrying about where they will sleep or find their next meal. They enrolled in school last month and have been teaching our other boys some pretty cool dance routines.

3 boys

Thank you for your part in making these exciting changes possible![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


Hope for Life Names Executive Director

Hope For Life’s talented Rwandan staff unanimously elected Chantal (right in blue) 
to serve as our new Executive Director.
As a young child, HFL Co-Founder Chantal Umutesi dreamed of opening a home for vulnerable children in her community. She used her time and resources to care for her neighbors even as a 10-year-old. Chantal visited the homes of poverty stricken families, offering food, clothing, and friendship. She recalls, “I hated seeing children suffering. I dreamt of my country becoming a place of peace, where the vulnerable were valued.” Eventually, Chantal became the Children’s Director at her church, serving families that lived on $2 per day or less.
In 2008, God used Chantal to help launch Hope For Life and continue fulfilling her call to love children. Without her, we are convinced that HFL never would have started or flourished. Every day, she invests all of herself into seeing the poor in her community come to know Jesus, and equipped to better their lives. She is a true model of what it looks like to love God and her neighbors as herself.

This year, our boards decided it was time to name a Rwandan Executive Director. With a unanimous vote, our boards and staff elected Chantal to be our new leader. With her experience in management and budgeting, her deep commitment to her neighbors, and her natural ability to lead, we are excited to watch Hope For Life continue to grow under her leadership.

Congratulations, Chantal! Your faithful devotion and deep commitment to your community is an inspiration to us all.

A tragic first for Hope For Life

We didn’t expect to start the New Year with both celebration and tears. And yet we find ourselves almost daily with both a smile on our face and tears in our eyes.

2015 was a year of major accomplishment. We transitioned to local Rwandan leadership, watched our community in the States reach new heights of generosity, witnessed a six-year-old take his first steps, and cheered as seven-year-old Benjamin met his relatives for the first time.  In the midst of these successes, no one expected to also have to say goodbye to a member of our family.


Brothers from left to right: Patrick, Mahoro, and Olivier.

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Patrick, 12, moved to our neighborhood a year ago with his mom and brother to escape eviction and be closer to his oldest brother, Olivier, who lives at our home. Patrick and his older brother, Mahoro, were both part of our preventative sponsorship program and therefore could attend school. Life was looking better.

In early November, however, Patrick suddenly fell ill. As his fever grew worse, he was brought to our home so staff could better monitor him. On their own initiative, our boys took turns washing his clothes and keeping him company. Many days, you could find three or four boys in his room at a time constructing with Legos in bed, or surrounding Patrick in prayer. One day, one of our older boys voluntarily carried him all the way to the clinic and back.

Patrick being voluntarily carried by one of our older boys to the clinic.

When treatment wasn’t working, Patrick was transferred to a hospital where his condition continued to advance. Despite the best care and treatments available, Patrick passed away without a cause of death. This has been very hard on Patrick’s family and our staff who have done everything they could for Patrick. A day later, we arranged a burial and participated in our first funeral alongside his family and our neighboring community.

patrick grave
Patrick’s grave.

In the midst of tragedy, we are reminded that life is precious, that God’s plans are greater than we can understand, and that your partnership is vital. Your generosity saves lives and offers second chances to build better futures. While we will greatly miss Patrick and his gentle, caring spirit, we rejoice in the fact that we will see him again someday. Please continue to keep the boys and staff in prayer as we navigate life without our friend.


Because of You

All that has happened in this past month has completely blown us away, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

USA staff at the Gala

· Our Seattle community amazed us with their overwhelming support at our fundraising Gala. We set an ambitious goal of $40,000 and were thrilled to raise over $48,500 to continue equipping children to leave the streets!

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If you missed our powerful video from the fundraiser, you can watch it here!

· Our amazing volunteer, Amanda, organized a medical trip to Kenya for our six-year-old neighbor, Fred, who was born with leg abnormalities. Doctors in Rwanda told us Fred’s leg needed to be amputated but we wanted a second opinion. Amanda spearheaded the fundraising effort, organized the details, and with the partnership of CURE International, received news that doctors will be able to save Fred’s leg! A huge thank you to all of you who have partnered with us in his story.


Fred after receiving great news

· The school year ended in November and our older boys came home from boarding school with the good news that they will all move up to the next grade! Our boys are enjoying being reunited and have been spending their days playing (they got to bowling!), visiting their relatives, and the small ones receive extra tutoring from their big brothers.

Hilliary with the boys
Hilliary and the boys

· Two of our US Board Members were able to visit Rwanda and reunite with the staff and kids. It was a fantastic time for all!

We are so thankful for all of the ways that you sacrifice, pray, and give so we can all watch the boys flourish. 20-year-old Emmanuel told us, “There are so many things I have achieved that I never thought I would. Because of you, I believe I can make it.”

Thank you for your part in the Hope For Life community. We could not do this without you![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


Our Little Miracle

In June, we shared a story about two-year-old Sandrine, the sister of two boys currently living with us. Her mother brought her to HFLM asking us to help her severely malnourished daughter who also had malaria. Four days later, Sandrine fell into a coma and was diagnosed with cerebral malaria, a frequently fatal form of malaria. She remained in critical condition for five weeks, showing no signs of making a full recovery. We were doubtful she would survive. A few days later, however, Sandrine surprised us and woke from her coma. Unfortunately, though, she was blind and deaf, couldn’t feel physical touch, and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. We were heartbroken and turned to our Father in heaven asking for the impossible – for full healing.

Sandrine’s story spread rapidly and people from our Rwandan community visited and prayed for her, along with churches in the USA. Several of you sensed that God would heal Sandrine and that she would grow up to serve Him. We are thrilled to inform you that the impossible is happening! Sandrine’s sensations have slowly returned, her hearing was restored, and she can now see!

With tears of joy in her eyes HFLM Administrative Director Marie Clarice said, “In the hospital, there were many children much stronger than Sandrine who died. She is our little miracle.” Sandrine is not only a testament of God’s love, but has been a blessing at our home, impacting our boy’s hearts. They regularly take turns holding her, playing with her, and feeding her. Her presence at HFLM has given our boys the opportunity to care for the needy, just as they have been cared for, and it has deeply impacted their hearts.

Sandrine will continue to stay with us for the next several months while she continues to recover. We are currently seeking a long-term solution for her as she cannot reside at HFLM permanently.


Sandrine’s a lucky girl to have 17 big brothers who love her!

We praise God for Sandrine’s life and believe He has much planned for her. From the malnutrition and cerebral palsy she is still very weak, underdeveloped, and is unable to talk or sit by herself. We hope you are encouraged at the progress that is being made. Your prayers and partnership are making all the difference in this young girl’s life!


Experience East Africa Gala Auction Items

Check out some of the incredible live auction items we will have available on November 13th!

#1 – Woodinville Wine Tasting & Pizza For Four

  • Wine Tasting and Pizza at Novelty Hill Winery
  • Three Bottles of Wine
#2 – Woodland Park Zoo Family Pack

  • Admission to the Woodland Park Zoo for two adults and two children
  • Molly Moon’s Gift Certificate
  • Ivars or Kid Valley Gift Certificate
#3 – Customized Fitness Package with Salubrious Fitness

  • 30-day Customized Workout Regimen
  • 30-day Challenge
#4 – Sounders “Go for the Goal”

  • Two Tickets to 2016 Season Opening Match
  • Team Autographed Jersey
  • Fan Gear 
#5 – Canlis Dinner & Space Needle Views

  • Canlis Gift Certificate
  • Admission for two to the Space Needle Observation Deck
#6 – Wenatchee Golf Getaway

  • Round of golf with cart for four people at Wenatchee Golf & Country Club
# 7 – XBox One 1TB FIFIA 16 Bundle

#8 – Springtime Leavenworth Escape

  • Three night weekend stay for up to 17 at Natapoc Lodge in Wenatchee
  • Wine Tasting at Plain Cellars
#9 – Painting by Isaac Anderson

  • Mixed media, plaster on panel painting by nationally-awarded artist, Isaac Anderson
#10 – Wellness Package

  • Two Massages
  • Chiropractic Consultation
  • Professional Teeth Whitening
  • Haircuts for a Year
#11 – Canlis Dinner & Scenic Flight Tour for Two

  • Canlis Gift Certificate
  • Scenic Seattle Flight Tour
#12 – North End Adventure for Two

  • Dinner at Anthony’s
  • Segway Tour in Edmonds
  • Walnut Street Coffee Gift Certificate
For a chance to bid on these amazing auction packages, purchase your Gala tickets at:

The Process of Reintegration

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Two years ago, we introduced you to a pair of unnamed five-year-old twins we found living alone on the streets. Your support allowed us to welcome Benjamin into our home while setting up Grace in a nearby home for girls, ensuring their ability to see each other often. They chose names for themselves, and began the journey towards healing. While Benjamin has made incredible strides in his own recovery, he has continually longed for a family. Unable to live with his abusive mom, and having no other known relatives, his dream of a family looked grim.
Last month, however, we received a call from a woman, who explained, “I’m calling about a boy named Benjamin. This is his grandmother.” Our staff listened in disbelief as the grandmother expressed her strong desire to meet her grandchildren and have them come stay with her. The following week, Benjamin and Grace visited their grandma for the first time and also discovered they have an aunt and uncle! Benjamin and Grace returned home beaming. “I am so happy to have had conversations with my grandma and aunt,” Benjamin told us. “We fetched water and had fun playing games. I learned that they love me and care! I really never thought it was possible to have a family.”
This process of reconciling and moving in with family is what we call “reintegration.” Believing that many wounds can be healed when family ties are restored, reintegration is the goal we strive for with our kids whenever possible. Often taking several years to complete, reintegration is the ultimate culmination of a child’s transformation.
The twins happily meeting their grandma and aunt.
When asked what he thought about living with his grandma and Grace, Benjamin’s face glowed. He responded, “It makes me so happy. I would like that!” He paused before finishing, “…But only as long as there were days that I could still come to HFLM!”
We stand at a new starting line with our dear twins, looking ahead at a horizon that is shining brightly. This horizon breathes a new beginning, carrying with it potential for a family to begin writing a new chapter together at last.
