
April 2011 Update

It is hard to believe that our boys have completed another academic quarter. Once again, two of our children received the highest test scores in their class. Congratulations to Paul and Berco! Some of the boys were discouraged with their test scores, but we continue to encourage them in their progress. They now have two weeks of vacation before their next quarter begins and HFLM will happily welcome home David, Claude, and Bosco from boarding school. During this time, the boys will participate in a nationwide memorial of the 1994 genocide, which claimed an estimated 800,000 lives.

(Yves playing soccer)

We want to thank all of you who have been praying for Veterne. His leg surgery was successful, and we praise the Lord that there were no major complications. Please keep him in your prayers as he is still in a lot of pain and we expect that his recovery will take several months. Veterne is eagerly looking forward to his initial recovery and beginning rehabilitation to learn how to walk! He has also been encouraged by the support offered by his family through this process.

Due to unfortunate delays, the new house is still undergoing modifications. We are now scheduled to move in at the end of this month. The boys have been patient in waiting for their home to be finished but are very anxious to move – especially when they thought the empty sewer tank was a swimming pool! Join us in prayer that the construction will be completed soon.

(The new HFLM home)

The new house is a 45 minute walk from the boys’ current school. This was a great disappointment because they have grown to love their teachers. Since learning of this obstacle, they have fervently been praying for bikes which would enable them to attend their current school. This last month members from Northlake Christian Church donated enough money to buy all of the bikes needed to travel to school! But shhhh, it’s a surprise! We are waiting until the boys move into the new house to share with them their answered prayer. HFLM staff cannot wait to see them screaming and dancing for joy when they hear the good news. Thanks again for making this possible and continually supporting HFLM.


March 2011 Update

HFLM was privileged to welcome Eric and Sharon Hovde and Jeff Boyd of the Hovde Foundation to Rwanda last month. During their visit, we held the Opening Ceremony for our new home, the Swanson-Hovde House. We hosted many friends, supporters, government officials, neighbors, teachers, and pastors who have helped to make HFLM possible over the last 2 years. Although we wish all of you could have participated in the celebration with us, you can still catch a glimpse of the ceremony and the new house on the video posted below.

This exciting event has made us even more eager to move into our new home next month. One child enthusiastically wrote to his pen pal, “We got a surprise this year. Guess what! God has provided a very big and beautiful house for us!”

During the Hovde’s stay, we were able to visit the First Lady of Rwanda. She was extremely pleased with HFLM’s service amongst vulnerable Children in Rwanda and decided to award us with a cow!

To the great enthusiasm of the boys, HFLM has decided to increase its security by taking in and training a guard dog. As of now, HFLM’s guard dog, Winnie, is an adorable puppy that has been providing entertainment, companionship, and the opportunity for the children to learn gentleness and responsibility.

Please be praying for our beloved Veterne, who has been crippled since he was a baby, as he will be receiving corrective surgery for his legs on March 24th. Pray for his safety, a successful surgery, and a full recovery.

We have been so encouraged by the continual transformation of the boys’ lives. When Djuhudi first came to HFLM two months ago, his body was frail from lack of nutrition and his heart was hardened towards God. He initially had a difficult time fitting into HFLM and refused to take part in going to church and praying. Now he absolutely loves going to church, praying, and listening to gospel music. He is so grateful for how his life has changed and wants to thank you all for your support. “Hello! My name is Djuhudi and I am 13 years old. I have been at HFLM for two months. I gained weight and I go to school now and my studies are going well. The boys at HFLM, we love each other and we eat together everyday. My best friend here is Daniel and he is 12 years old. We sleep together. I am friends with everyone here now. I want to say thank you!”

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers.


HFLM Staff

Rwandan News Report of HFLM Opening Ceremony


February Update 2011

The finishing touches are being done on the new Hope For Life house and the boys will move in next month! The Hovde Foundation will be joining us to celebrate the opening of the “Swanson-Hovde House,” along with many Rwandans from our community. When the boys went to visit their new house, Yves asked in disbelief, “This house isn’t just for us, right? Other children must be living here too, because this house is so big!” It took him at least 10 minutes to accept that the new house was being built just for them.

The boys were privileged to welcome Amy Carnell from the Seattle Sounders who put on a soccer camp last month. The boys were delighted to practice their skills and receive jerseys and balls from the Sounders. To see an entertaining video of the boys trying to learn the Seattle Sounders cheer, visit

We were thrilled to receive the boys’ test scores from their school. Our oldest boy, David, earned the highest test scores in his school and has the opportunity to attend an esteemed boarding school for his secondary studies. David is very excited, and although we will miss him, we are immensely proud of him and eager to visit him at his new school.

Veterne, who has been crippled since birth, has the tremendous opportunity to walk! He has been accepted into a pediatric orthopedic center for children with physical handicaps. He will remain there for one year, undergoing surgery on his legs, receiving physical therapy, continuing his studies, and learning how to walk. We already miss him, but his new house mom tells us that he is doing well in school and making new friends.

The boys have discovered a new favorite activity of dressing up and modeling. After their afternoon nap, they can be seen putting silly clothes on and creating a make-shift “runway” to show off their outfits and “model walks.” It is absolutely hilarious and never fails to become an afternoon of laughs.

Please join us in prayer for the safety of our staff as there was another grenade attack in Kigali. We greatly appreciate all of your prayers and support.


Seattle Sounders Cheer Video

To view the boys singing the Sounders’ cheer, click the link below:


January 2011

Hope For Life Update January 2010

Singing filled the Hope For Life home on Christmas day as the children’s choir joined our Christmas celebration. Everyone eagerly took part in eating a large roast and drinking soda pop, which was a special treat for everyone. The night was topped off by the announcement of the Christmas presents: a ping pong table, soccer goals, and cleats. The boys were thrilled to receive these gifts and were grateful to the individuals and groups whose extra donations made this possible.

Hope For Life welcomed a surprised visitor this past month, DJ Walkers, who is a filmmaker from Washington DC. He is composing a short film about HFLM, which will shortly be viewable on Facebook. The film is sure to be full of creative dance moves from our goofy boys who couldn’t stop dancing and singing in front of the camera! Most children in Rwanda are very shy about their photo being taken, but not our boys.

Additionally, a Rwandan sports ministry called Play For Hope ( put on a soccer camp for youth in Rwanda, which integrated Christian values as they taught soccer skills. Our boys were privileged to attend and they enthusiastically learned how to set goals, be self controlled, and of course, snazzy soccer moves.

After a great vacation from school, and a happily celebrated Christmas, the children are eager to start another year of school in a few weeks and are patiently waiting ill March when we will move into our new house being constructed by the Hovde Foundation. Looking back on how God has provided for and blessed this ministry, we remain keenly aware that none of the work amongst the children of Rwanda would be possible without each of your support. As our newest member, 13 year old Djuhudi stated, “When I came to HFLM I thought I was going to die. But this is a place of hope. I have it now.” Thank you for helping to bring hope into the lives of Rwandan children. We look forward to another year of partnering with you.


Merry Christmas from Hope For Life!

Hope For Life Update December 2010
This month HFLM welcomes our 23rd member, 13-year-old Djuhudi. The day of Djuhudi’s arrival, the boys began cleaning the house and washing Djuhudi’s new clothes and bedding completely on their own initiative. When Djuhudi finally arrived, the boys ran to him with hugs and immediately began showing him around the house. Djuhudi is an intelligent and inquisitive boy, who is overcoming severe malnutrition from street life. After being abandoned by his immediate family and abused by his extended family, Djuhudi left for the streets. When asked his opinion about HFLM a week into his stay, Djuhudi replied to his social worker, “I like it there. They actually care about how I’m doing and they take good care of me. I don’t want to leave.” Please join us in praying for Djuhudi’s transition into HFLM, asking God for holistic healing, that Djuhudi will not be tempted to leave, and that he’ll come to know Jesus.
Most of the children have returned from visits to their extended family members during their school vacation. The majority of their journeys were successful and they returned to HFLM happy to have seen their relatives. One of the older boys was finally able to reconcile with his family after not seeing them for five years. Because of the positive outcomes, we plan on pursuing further family involvement in HFLM this coming year.
During the children’s school vacation, HFLM staff were able to spend a lot more time with the boys. We’ve enjoyed attending a national soccer match, completing small projects around the house, playing, and studying together. While on a bus earlier this month, the eldest boy, Paul, turned to the staff and randomly stated in perfect English, “You are a gift from God in my life.”
We are so thankful for our sweet boys, our new staff, and the overwhelming peace and joy that have filled our home over the past few months. We are grateful for your support and prayers and want you to be encouraged by knowing that God is not only hearing our prayers, but is thoroughly answering them. Thank you for partnering with us in 2010! We wish you a Christmas full of thankfulness, joy and peace!
Megan Swanson & Hilliary Anderson

November HFLM Update – Good news!

Hope For Life Update November 2010
We have much good news from Rwanda to celebrate this month! The boys have officially completed their first academic school year, many for the first time in their lives. Two boys received the highest test scores in their class for the entire school year! The oldest boy has passed his exams and will enter secondary school in January. One of our former boys, Claude, also returned to HFLM after leaving for the streets for 5 months. Futhermore, we are starting our family reconciliation program, where each child has the opportunity to visit any existing relatives – we’ve even been able to locate one child’s extended family all the way in Burundi!
Additionally, construction on our new “Hovde House” has finally begun! 6 of the children who do not wish to visit their relatives are staying at HFLM for their holidays. When asked what they’d like to do during their time off of school, they replied, “We want to help build our new house! We can carry rocks and chop bushes and sweep!” Construction is set to be finished mid-February 2011, at which point all staff and children will happily move into our new home.

At the construction site, our land is scattered with lush fruit trees. 7-year-old Emmanuel began helping to pick the ripened fruit, stuffing every pocket he owned full of small mangoes. When local poor children arrived half naked and with bloated stomachs, little Emmanuel looked down at his full pockets, then at the kids, back at his pockets, and back at the children. Suddenly, an idea came to him and a sweet, shy smile began to spread across his face. He reached into his pockets, took out all the mangoes he had and started passing them to all the little kids. I love seeing Jesus in our boys!
Sincerely and gratefully,
Megan & Hilliary

October HFLM Update

Hope For Life Update October 2010

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” – Ephesians 3:20

In the last month we have seen God powerfully provide for and act on behalf of HFLM. As many of you know, the boys were taken out of our custody for two months and were dealt a hand of trials. The severity of their circumstanced reached the point that they decided living on the streets was more bearable. Thankfully the boys were returned to us last month, before they executed their plans of returning to the streets. When the children were allowed back into our program, we saw that many of their hopes of future prospects had diminished. HFLM’s Children Director, Chantal, explained the truth about what had happened and was able to clear up many of the boy’s misconceptions. Their hope for their futures quickly returned, and we have continued to try our best to ease their confusion.

We have since seen improvements in the daily operations of the home, along with growth in the boys. This progress can largely be credited to our two new staff members, Faustin and Jacky, who have demonstrated a diligent work ethic that has overflowing positive effects on the home. Even the boys have noted that they see a difference in HFLM since Faustin and Jacky joined the team. They have been an encouragement to the boys, and the children in response have greatly taken to them.

Not only has God safely returned the boys to HFLM, He has exponentially blessed us this last month through fundraisers. Both of the art exhibitions in Seattle and D.C. were more successful than we could have ever expected. We are so grateful to everyone that participated and supported the events.

Thank you again for all of your support and for standing by us as we underwent trials. May God get all the glory!

Hilliary Anderson & Megan Swanson


September 2010 Update

We write to you today with much joy and thanksgiving! Last week we received encouraging and amazing news that Josiane decided to return all of our old boys, our previous possessions, and our former house to HFLM’s care! A contract between she and HFLM has been signed, and as of August 30th, the boys are once again in our protection and care! We will promptly be moving back into our formerly rented house with the addition of two new boys who eagerly joined HFLM last month. Please continue to join us in prayer for the boys’ healing and restoration. We were distraught to discover their physical, emotional, and spiritual condition due to the trials they have undergone. However, we hold onto the scriptures which tell us that suffering is not without reason or purpose, but that our loving God uses it to refine and mature His people. Thank you for standing by us in prayer and support through these trials. We praise God for opening doors for the boys to be returned to our care and are grateful to have such wonderful, loyal, and encouraging people like yourself around us!

In other news, we have begun construction on our new land and hope to have the house finished by January 2011. Upon its completion, HFLM will be accepting a few more boys into the program and will be adding another staff member to our team. Due to our upcoming expansion, we will have increased financial needs. To help compensate for these anticipated needs we are holding an art exhibition, Creative Change: A Benefit Art Exhibition for Rwandan Street Children. The event will occur on September 18, 2010 at Hallway Gallery in Bellevue, WA. The exhibition will feature pieces from Rwandan artists who grew up in orphanages themselves. Fifty percent of the proceeds will directly benefit HFLM while the remaining fifty percent will support the artists themselves. We look forward to joining you for a meaningful evening filled with beautiful art and wine for the betterment and care of Rwandan children!

Creative Change: A Benefit Art Exhibition for Rwandan Street Children
September 18, 2010
Five to Eight O’clock PM
Bellevue Hallway Gallery
800 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004

Thank you again for your steadfast partnership during the trials of the last few months. We hope
your faith is encouraged by seeing the Lord’s hand move in HFLM.