
August 2013


Veterne, Hilliary, Daniel, Idrissa, and Pascal
For founder Hilliary Anderson, it is a time of transition. She has returned this month to the States and Torey de Rozario has taken the Executive Director position in Rwanda. Tears were shed as Hilliary told the boys goodbye, uncertain of when she will return to Rwandaagain. “It is incredibly hard to leave. I have been with these boys for the last 5 years. It broke my heart as they shared how I am their mother and how hard it will be to not have mom with them. Thankfully, we had the closure we need and trust that it is God’s will that I return to the US.” Hilliary will continue working for their interests in the US, as she fundraises, offers administrative support and advocates for Hope for Life.


Hilliary, staff, and 18 boys on their field trip to Pacific Rim


For a special treat before leaving, Hilliary took all 14 boys residing at the HFLM center and 4 reintegrated boys who live near HFLM, to downtown Kigali to watch the movie Pacific Rim in 3D. It was a perfect “dude flick”, packed with action and aliens. This was the first time any of the boys had ever seen a movie in a theater, and the 3D movie provided even more surprise. The boys gasped as characters popped out of the screen. Breaking movie etiquette, they gleefully chatted amongst themselves about how cool the movie was. Throughout the movie the boys could be seen putting out their hands trying to touch the images that were developing before their faces, and lifting up their 3D glasses to make sure there were no aliens in the room. It was especially a thriller for 9 year old Puppy, who cuddled up to and squeezed onto volunteer Caroline’s hand throughout most of the movie.


Idrissa enjoying his new life at HFLM

This last month we brought two more boys to HFLM: 12 year old Pascal and 13 year old Idrissa. Pascal and Idrissa were retrieved from the transit center (essentially a juvenile detention center for street children until they are placed into an organization). They shared with us how harsh the transition center conditions were; they only had one meal a day and upon arriving at HFLM, they suffered from malnutrition. After facing many hardships in their lives, they are excited to be at HFLM and about the prospect of attending school. Idrissa shared his dream of becoming an automotive engineer and Pascal his desire to become a community leader.

Only a few days after praying with Pascal, we were happy
to see he was feeling well enough to play soccer

We thank all of you who have prayed for Pascal. He had developed severe malaria and the treatment he was prescribed was ineffective. We were worried that he might die because of the severity of the malaria. One night his fever was so high that he lay in his bed nearly unconscious. Hilliary gathered HFLM staff and prayed over him, and also encouraged Pascal to pray with them (this was the first time he had prayed in his life). We were relieved the next day to see a dramatic improvement in his health, and a few days later he was well enough to go with the rest of the boys to the movie. We ask for your continued prayer for his complete healing.

It has been amazing watching God continue to move in HFLM. We had the opportunity to share the gospel with both Pascal and Idrissa, who informed us they had never accepted Christ into their hearts. After sharing what God did for them, they were eager to commit their lives to Jesus. Thank you for all of your support that has made this work possible.



July 2013


Hope you had a happy 4th of July! Rwandaalso shares the Independence Day of the USA. The children have enjoyed having two days off of school to celebrate Rwanda’s Independenceand Liberation Day.

Since Hilliary’s arrival two weeks ago, she has enjoyed spending time with the staff and boys, as she prepares for Torey’s arrival and transition into Executive Director. She recently told the boys for the first time that Torey would be coming back for one to two years. The smiles of joy on their faces were priceless as they all began cheering and clapping exuberantly. The day continued in joy, when Hilliary brought out legos and Playdough.  Playdough is a novelty for the boys and even the oldest proudly showed off their cookie cutting skills. It is so good to see the boys just being kids, since most missed that opportunity in their childhood.


Upon arriving at HFLM, the three boys who were baptized in May were quick to share their celebration with Hilliary (the pastor and choir came to HFLM to celebrate the baptisms). In the backdrop, God was moving in Djuhudi’s heart, who after the celebration declared that he also wanted to be baptized because he believes that Jesus is Lord and died for his sins. This was a big decision for Djuhudi who comes from a Muslim family. He explained that he could be beaten for his decision to follow Christ, if discovered. It has been remarkable seeing Djuhudi continue to transform after making this decision. He has begun singing in the church choir and told Chantal that he wants to be at peace with everyone and to follow God. This change of heart is evident in his kindness towards the other boys and staff at HFLM.


Hilliary shared, “I never thought the day would come that I would watch a movie in 3D at a theater in Rwanda. As I sat with oversized tinted glasses, I imagined how thrilled the HFLM boys would be to experience a movie at a theater for the first time. Their eyes would literally pop out of their heads (well, maybe not literally).” It would be such an exciting adventure for the boys to see a 3D movie in town. If you would like to donate to help make it possible, let Hilliary know at But, SHHH it’s a surprise!
Thank you all for your support and prayers! The boys continue to do well, and all but one of the boys who have been reintegrated are thriving with their families. Puppy, who was reintegrated in December, returned to the streets due to lack of care, so we have taken him back to live at HFLM. He is happy to be back at HFLM, and we hope to keep working with his mother and Aunt to see if reintegration in the future will be possible.  Continue to join us in prayer for Puppy, the boys who have been reintegrated, for those remaining at HFLM, and for Torey’s leadership transition.

June 2013 Update

This last month has truly been a time of blessings and God’s providence. The blessings began with three boys giving their hearts to the Lord and being baptized. We are excited to share how God has even further moved the hearts of Torey and other volunteers and brought the team of support we have been praying for at HFLM.

The biggest highlight for me (Hilliary) this month was getting a phone call from Torey Rozario saying she has been praying and would love to return to Rwanda and serve HFLM in the position of Executive Director. A huge burden has been lifted from me now that God has brought a team of support. Torey’s decision to serve as Executive Director enables me to take a needed rest from my responsibilities in Rwanda. This answer to our prayers for an Executive Director allows me to return to the States and oversee the all-important task of fundraising as well as other activities for HFLM. The HFLM board, staff, and I are incredibly grateful for Torey’s heart and overjoyed to have her return to Rwanda.
Family and friends after the baptism. Front, left to right: Eric and his sister Rachel. Back, left to right: Emile, Chantal, Patrick and his mother, Olivier and his mother
The joyful spirit continued as we held a large celebration at HFLM this past month for the baptism of Patrick, Emile, and Olivier. We invited neighbors and the boys’ families, and were happy to have Patrick’s and Olivier’s mothers attend. The Church choir came and sang and the pastor shared an encouraging message from the Word of God. The boys had a great day and declared their intention to bear good fruits. We all had to laugh when Patrick told his mother, “I am going to be obedient now and I have left all evil things in the water.” It has been remarkable watching Patrick grow since his arrival at HFLM a year ago. He came with a hardened heart and was one of the more rebellious children at the home. God’s softening of his heart has brought joy in his life, developed his character and furthered his desire to be a loving and obedient. 
The Church choir singing with the staff and children at HFLM
Please keep the boys in your prayers. Pray for God to continue the good work He has started in their lives and that they would remain encouraged in their walks with Christ. I will be returning to Rwanda this month to manage HFLM until Torey arrives. Please pray for safe travel and for continued healing for health issues I have been struggling with.
And a big thanks to those of you who have donated towards the goal of purchasing computers and software to take with me on my return to Rwanda.



May 2013 Update

This month is a mix of hellos and goodbye.  We have accepted two new boys into our program, and are saying goodbye to Torey Rozario who has served at HFLM since September 2012. Although she is leaving Rwandathis month, her legacy will endure in Rwanda, and we hope God will lead her to come back to serve.
Torey trying on the dress Chantal gave her
Torey has made a tremendous impacton the lives of our staff, children, and the families of our boys. As a result of her hard work and dedication, we successfully reintegrated 9 boys into their families last November, completed renovations on 5 family homes, and aided 3 families in developing income generating projects.  She also took on the responsibility of Interim Executive Director, giving Hilliary a much needed time in the States to regain her health and raise financial support for HFLM’s operations. We have all been deeply moved by Torey’s heart, compassion, and hard work. As evidence of the staff’s deep love for Torey, Chantal surprised her with a Rwandan dress she had made for her. We look forward to seeing her sporting her jazzy dress in Americain honor of her extended family in Rwanda.  Please pray for Torey as she returns home and for future guidance of where God might lead her.
Let us now introduce to you the new boys who have joined our family. Olivier and Emile are neighbors who grew up in extreme poverty, receiving at most one meal a day. Olivier told us that for as long as he can remember, he has always been hungry. In hopes of finding a job and supporting their families, they hitchhiked to Kigali. Their high hopes were dashed when they arrived: “We were unable to find a job and found ourselves begging on the streets, eating from garbage cans instead.” After a couple of months of living in these conditions, they were brought to HFLM. We were shocked to discover that they are both 14 years old. The severe malnutrition is most evident in Emile who is one of the smallest boys at HFLM and looks like he is 8 years old. In addition to his severe malnutrition, his skin is worn and marked from sleeping outside in the cold since he was a child.
Both of the boys have quickly transitioned into the HFLM family. They confided in us how happy they are to have the opportunity to go to school and have their needs met. Nevertheless, Olivier still grieves over his siblings’ living situation. He shared, I want to study and when I grow up, I will support my brothers. I want to be a doctor or a police man because there are many in need and I want to help.” Emile also has dreams for his future, yearning to becoming a teacher. In addition to supporting them in the fulfillment of their dreams, we are excited that they both joined the church choir and want to give their lives to Christ. We have arranged with their church for them to be baptized on May 11th.
The HFLM family: Emile below Torey and Olivier upper right in orange
Shortly after Emile and Olivier came to HFLM, we contacted their families. Both of the mothers were filled with tears of joy upon hearing their boys were safe and immediately made a trip to HFLM to see their sons.  Our goal this next year is to equip these two families with the skills and resources to break their chains of poverty, enabling Emile and Olivier to return home.
Torey spending quality time with the boys before she leaves
Hilliary will be returning to Rwandain June and would love to bring laptops and computer software to teach the children of HFLM computer skills. If you are interested in donating either a laptop or computer softwareplease email Hilliary at We also welcome your prayers for her as she prepares to return to Rwanda, as she has been struggling with health issues.
We have continued to be incredibly blessed by all of your prayers and support. It has been a privilege watching the transformation God has brought in the lives of numerous street children and their families.



April Update

The joy of spring is upon us and we are blessed with new and renewed life.  Many lives continue to be transformed through HFLM as God fills our hearts. It is a true blessing to serve in such a deep and meaningful way. 

Boys sporting their new jerseys

Volunteer Team Led by Andy Frank
This past month we connected with our old friend, Andy Frank, who brought a large, lively team to the home. It was as if Sports Authority had come to Rwanda and the boys were in paradise. They were showered with bags full of brand new Nike sneakers, soccer balls, sports-wear from jerseys to shorts, dental kits and crafts. Each boy anxiously waited to be individually outfitted. While the Kabuga market offers decent secondhand shoes, new Nike’s were quite the phenomenon.  Torey noticed that each boy diligently washed their new shoes daily and out of fear of get  ting them dirty, only wore them to school.  She told them, “Don’t be afraid to wear your new shoes and play soccer in them! That is exactly what Andy brought them for.” However, some still preferred to play soccer barefoot just to be safe! Watching them take ownership and delicate care of their new things would make any parent proud.

Our new baby goats

In keeping with the spirit of spring and new life, this past week we successfully assisted with the birth of two goats. Last October, we had purchased several goats thanks to a generous donation from Northshore Baptist Church, with the aim of breeding a small flock.  We will soon be able to start giving goats to the families of our reintegrated boys to aid in their self-sustainability. With our growing goat herd, Andy’s team recognized the need for renovating our goat shed and they generously donated enough for us to finish the task.  All in all, it was an amazing time that continues to impact the HFLM family.

Help with a Benefit Dinner
While in the States I (Hilliary) have been busy sharing about HFLM and the work God has been doing through us. I plan to return to Rwanda in June. Until then, we would welcome and deeply appreciate some of you to open your home and host a benefit dinner for HFLM. I would come and share at a personal level all about HFLM. If you are interested in helping, please contact me at  The goal is to have at least 10 different people host dinners in what promises to be a fun and rewarding evening for all. 
Hope For Life Ministry is incredibly thankful for your strong support through prayer, donations and time generously and faithfully given.

March Update 2013

Chantal Umutesi has been with HFLM from the very beginning and is a huge reason why Hope For Life stands so strong today. This month we are delighted to highlight Chantal, co-founder of Hope For Life Ministry, who has poured her heart and soul into the boys and families of our organization for the last four years. Her faithful prayer and devotion has brought real change to so many across Rwanda. Chantal’s life is a true testament of our Heavenly Father’s love, faithfulness and provision.
Chantal and “Littleman” (Claude) embracing. Littleman was reintegrated to live with his grandmother several months earlier, and was very excited to see Chantal       
Chantal holds a deep compassion for vulnerable children. As a child herself, she would fill her bucket and begin to bathe impoverished children in her neighborhood. This earned her the name “Mama” at the age of 10, and it has stuck ever since. Her dream of helping vulnerable children continued to grow and she envisioned starting an orphanage someday. In high school, Chantal took part in three days of fasting and praying through her church and had a powerful vision. “I saw small poor kids on the street and a snake was coming for them. The snake was going to bite one child. I was so upset that I ran and grabbed the child and carried him away. And then I thought, what am I going to do? I have no way to provide for this child, but I have to take care of him. So I decided I was going to look for someone who could help me take care of them.” Partnering with Hilliary and Megan brought her vision to life in 2009, when God provided the resources to start HFLM.
God’s protective hand has been upon Chantal’s life and has carried her through many painful trials. Growing up, money was extremely tight as Chantal lost her Father and a brother in early childhood. Her mother was only able to send Chantal’s older sister to school. But God knew of Chantal’s deep desire to study and provided through the Organizations AEE and Compassion International, which sponsored Chantal and her younger brother all the way through high school. During high school, Chantal’s family endured the horrific 1994 Rwandan genocide, where the death toll was estimated to be as high as 20% of the population. By the grace of God, Chantal managed to survive. However, she again suffered significant loss of two additional family members. Another brother and her niece were killed in the genocide along with friends and extended family. 
Chantal regularly visits the families and children HFLM sponsors
 Chantal with her daughter Mervey         
  Shortly after HFLM began, UK missions became aware of this incredible woman. As she spoke about her Heavenly Father’s love and faithfulness for her and her daughter Mervey, they were moved to help fulfill her dreams by sponsoring her through University for all four years. Chantal has been a full time HFLM employee, student and mom for the last four years and will finish her degree this December. She is a woman of strength, character, and incredible work ethic that has a deep love for others which radiates from within. Initially she volunteered her time without a salary starting up HFLM, which was a difficult sacrifice: “I knew I had to put Mervey into a nice school, but I also knew I was called to work at HFLM. Working at HFLM has grown my spiritual life, as I have watched my amazing God providing in ways you can’t even imagine. I love my Jesus and my faith has been increased in knowing my God provides, answers prayers, and can change anyone’s heart.”
Chantal’s passion for spiritual development has also impacted the local street boys and generated real change. We have seen her faithful prayers answered and God has softened some of the hardest of hearts of our boys who have lived painful, rough lives. She has boldly proclaimed the gospel that has lead many local street boys to accept Christ as Lord, and she has taught life skills such as savings. Six boys took her counsel to stop buying cigarettes and saved enough money to rent homes for themselves so they no longer have to sleep on the streets.
We are so grateful for this woman and her years and years of commitment. If you wish to pray for Chantal, her requests include: the HFLM boys, growth in her relationship with Christ, and her upcoming internship and dissertation. It has been a blessing to know this woman and she has made lasting impacts on our boys, the staff at HFLM and the whole community in Kabuga.          

Chantal with the HFLM boys and staff

Thank you all for your generous donations that not only bless the children at HFLM, but also Chantal and all of our staff.



February Update

Reintegration of the boys was an incredible moving experience as we got to see their hearts in a way we had not before. We first witnessed this at the reintegration celebration when they stood up and shared their testimonies and hopes for the future. Now that they are home we have witnessed a new level of development and the ability to take a stand for their own health and spiritual welfare. While their outward situations appear to be similar, their attitudes have changed from passively conforming to their environments, to actively helping their families and standing firm in their faith. Through your support, we have also completed house renovation projects for the neediest families and succeeded in raising their standard of living. This year we will be partnering with other NGOs to teach the families financial management and aiding in small income generation projects such as raising farm animals.
And the blessings continue.  We are thrilled to share with you the musical talent of three of our HFLM boys. David loves praising God through music and has written countless songs. When Stuart was in Rwanda, he recognized David’s talent and decided to help him with the production of one of his songs. David quickly shared the news with his best friends at HFLM who are also his music partners, Pacifique and D’Amour. The three were elated with the opportunity to go to a local production company and record their song. It was only four years ago that David lived in a garbage dump with no prospects for the future. Thinking of the stark contrast, he exclaimed “I would never have believed anyone if they told him me I would be instructing a producer on how to make changes to a song and that he would listen to me!” Hilliary and Stuart followed up on the recording with a music video for the boys. It is with great joy and gratitude that we share David’s song and give you a glimpse of Rwanda. You can view the music video here.

Another success story is 10 year old Papi, who has impressed us with his desire to go to church and read his Bible. Prior to HFLM, his mother was unable to care for him, and he survived by begging and sleeping in street gutters. When we first found him, he was covered in sores and suffered from severe malnutrition. It has been incredible watching his physical and spiritual transformation and we are excited to see his mother also becoming more stable. Since Papi was raised in a Muslim family, Chantal asked him, “When you go home, will you want to go to the Mosque or to church?” Papi firmly said he was going to go to church, even if he had to go alone. We asked his mother if she was fine with this, and she surprised us by not only saying yes, but that her life was rescued by several Christians a month ago when she was in a very bad spot. Only a few days after returning home Chantal received a call from Papi, pleading with her to come back to his house and bring his Bible because he accidentally left it at HFLM and really wanted to read it. It has been a true honor witnessing the children at HFLM mature and develop a firm foundation in Christ.
With the reintegration of the 8 boys in December, we now have the opportunity to bring in new boys. Chantal, the HFLM Children Director, has developed a list of new candidates and we are prayerfully moving forward to accepting these boys. We are also in search of new leader(s) to support Hilliary in bearing the HFLM torch. Thank you for all of your support and prayers!



January 2013 Update

Happy New Year! As we look back on 2012, we can see the many ways that God has immensely blessed the children at HFLM. In 2012, we were fortunate to have volunteers from the USA: the Cooper family, Gwen, Stuart, and Torey. We are so very grateful for their contributions. It is amazing to see how each boy’s confidence has grown and to experience the joyful, God-focused culture that has developed at HFLM through the investment of our volunteers.
Stuart and Djuhudi saying goodbye
The boys were deeply saddened to say goodbye to Stuart Cornutt who returned to the USA at the end of December.  Living at the home with the boys, Stuart developed a close relationship with each of them. Through daily counseling, volley ball coaching, English teaching, and most importantly his goofy demeanor, Stuart encouraged the boys to have a blast and to more freely express themselves. In particular, the life of 14 year old Djuhudi was changed from Stuart’s time in Rwanda. Djuhudi’s father abandoned him at a young age and has had no desire to be a part of his life.  Discouraged by being abandoned and often sick, Djuhudi developed a hopeless outlook on life and lacked the motivation to join with the other boys in sports or to try in school. Stuart read with him daily, taught him to pray at night, helped him study, and encouraged him to play games. For the first time, Djuhudi joined the other boys in sports and developed a strut of confidence. Djuhudi experienced a love and a respect that he never received from his father and the joy and hope that developed in Djuhudi through his relationship with Stuart is invaluable.

While Stuart will be sorely missed, we are fortunate that Torey has decided to extend her stay and become an HFLM employee. Torey has taken on the position of Assistant Director and is currently doing an exceptional job running the HFLM home while Hilliary is in America for several months.

 The 8 boys who were reintegrated in December and 6 HFLM staff
We are delighted to report that all of the boys who were reintegrated with their families are doing very well. Through the generous sponsor donations we have:
·         built a roof and installed doors on Simeon’s house;
·         built bedrooms for both Patrick and Berco;
·         cemented walls/floors and built a shed for goats that had been living in the home of Veterne and Daniel’s;
·         built a roof, toilet, kitchen and cemented walls/floors of Obed’s home!
Furthermore, we are now in a position to sponsor seven additional children, the siblings of the boys living at HFLM that are at risk of living on the streets. They will now be able to have their daily needs met and attend school.
Veterne, Daniel, Hilliary, Simeon, and Gustave a few days before reintegration
When Gustave escorted Simeon to his parent’s house, the first thing he noticed was a shining new roof. “The place looked good,” Gustave said, and he felt confident Simeon would do well with his family. Simeon was also excited to be with his family again, but as Gustave parted he had tears in his eyes and expressed how much he would miss everyone at HFLM. Gustave ensured him that he is still a part of HFLM and we will visit him regularly. “I’ll even call you tonight when I get back.” At this, Simeon smiled and felt much better. Gustave encouraged him to keep up his walk with the Lord, continue to study hard, and to obey his parents. Simeon agreed and entered his new season of life with a smile.
The lives of so many children and families have been touched through your generous donations. We are so touched by all of your support and prayers. Thank You!

December Update 2012

Watch HFLM’s Christmas Project Video! (If the video doesn’t load, watch it here)

This holiday season we look ahead with great anticipation toward the reintegration of 8 of our beloved Hope for Life boys. We celebrated in style at the Palace Hotel pool. We taught boys how to swim, played water games for hours, and ate their favorite meal of brochettes and fantas! After lunch the boys stood up for each of their brothers heading home. Some told funny and engaging memories, while others shared encouraging words of their respect and love for one another. Our staff cannot put into words how truly proud we are of the men they have become. While goodbyes were difficult, that day cemented our relationships as a true family.
The reintegration celebration at the hotel pool
Once again we are reminded of the extraordinary journey of the remarkable young man named Veterne. It was three years ago that we first crossed paths with Veterne begging at the local bus park, as he dragged his crippled legs behind him. While begging in Rwanda is common, his story certainly is not. All of Veterne’s earnings had been going directly to feed, clothe, educate and provide for his family. Unbeknownst to his family, 12-year-old Veterne established his own bank account and saved a portion of the funds. After some time, he told his family about the account and how he wanted to build them a house. However, when he gave his mother money to begin building bricks, she instead used it to buy alcohol. Veterne then took matters into his own hands, hiring builders and overseeing the entire construction process. When Chantal learned his story, she invited him to come live at HFLM and leave the streets, but it wasn’t until the construction was finished that Veterne was prepared to accept the offer.
 Chantal reading Veterne a loving and encouraging letter at the reintegration celebration
Living at HFLM has restored Veterne’s childhood. He attended school for the first time and also received corrective surgery on his legs, allowing him to walk with arm braces.  However, even at HFLM, providing for his family continues to be a priority. He told us he he is eager to return home “to help put my family in order”. As Chantal was making arrangements for his transition, his mother confided, “When he was first born, I felt like we were being punished with a crippled child. But look how he has been the greatest blessing in our life.”
Each of the families of the boys being reintegrated are in great need, and this holiday season we all have a great opportunity to make a difference. Through the Christmas Project, we can ease the boys’ transitions home by significantly raising their family’s standard of living. Gifts range from clothing and education to house renovations. All your generosity will directly impact a HFLM family here in Rwanda. Please visit our website ( and join with us this Christmas in rebuilding these families!
The Spirit at HFLM is stronger than we have experienced in a long time. Through our celebration, and house prayer, the home has been filled with joy and love. The HFLM family thrives and we are in awe of God’s movement and blessings. Please continue your prayers for the families accepting boys back into their home, for the boys remaining at the home and for all of our staff.  Our ministry is extremely blessed by your generosity and support! Together, we can delight in the joy of giving this Christmas.

November 2012 Update

We have been encouraged in this season of transition as we experience God moving in our lives. New doors of opportunity for the ministry and children are opening, bringing increased clarity for the future of HFLM. We are continually blessed by your faithful prayers and support. While new government policies carry some uncertainty, our confidence grows in the knowledge that God is paving a way for the HFLM home to continue to flourish.
Hilliary and Chantal visited little Claude and found him thriving at his grandmother’s. It was a joyous reunion
It has indeed been an eye opening month as we prepare 7 boys for a December reintegration. To ensure the boys will return to safe, loving environments, Chantal and Torey have been busy traveling across Rwanda to visit living relatives of the boys. While it is no surprise many of the children come from a life of severe poverty, directly witnessing those conditions has been perspective changing. HFLM’s reintegration process includes an evaluation of each home’s living standards and an assessment of physical and economic needs. In understanding the families’ skill set, we are seeking to create partnerships, bringing growth and sustainability, allowing them to provide for their children.


 Sarah, Patrick’s sister on the right, and her younger sister are facing starving because of their family’s severe poverty. They would be greatly blessed by having some of their basic needs provided for.
Yvette embracing Torey after receiving October’s rent money
One of the most touching visits was to the home of 9 year old Eric’s mother, Yvette. The contrast of the living conditions Eric was raised in to where he is now staying at HFLM was striking. Yvette lives in a small mud hut with a cloth over the main door, dirt floors, and a roof eaten by rust. She barely survives from her income of sifting beans and wishes she could start over and have a new life. Although she was downcast and initially reserved, by the end of our visit she also confided about her drinking problem which is encouraged by her abusive and alcoholic boyfriend.

During the evaluation, the presence of Spirit was felt strongly in the room and it was clear Jesus had more in mind. Torey felt led to share with Yvette the Father’s love for her. Following prayer, Yvette accepted him into her heart for the first time and her spirit was noticeably lifted. In gaining knowledge that Yvette had been unable to pay her rent this past month Torey handed her the money for October’s rent, and Yvette completely broke down into joyous tears. It was a powerful, Spirit filled afternoon. Unfortunately, the living conditions at the home are not suitable for Eric to return home, but we feel optimistic of Yvette’s genuine heart to change her life and follow Christ. Our hope is to help her move near HFLM with a fresh start. The job opportunities are exponentially higher and it would also allow her relationship with Eric to strengthen, while he continues to be nurtured at HFLM.

 This family would be blessed with cemented floors, roof reparations, and a front door
We would love to raise the funds to support these families by the time the boys go home in December. The needs of each family are unique ranging from: house additions, roofs or walls, and farm animals to loans to start small businesses. On our website (click here) you can find a list of ways to help. One specific opportunity is to celebrate the reunions and abundantly bless the boys and their families this Holiday season. We have started a Christmas Gift Exchange, where you can select a gift(s) such as: sending a child to school, repairing a portion of a family’s home, or providing capital to assist in starting a business endeavor. Whether it be a Christmas present for a friend or simply as a direct gift to these families, your generosity will make a major difference in the lives of a family.
Pascal tending our new goats
Thank you so much for your support and a special thanks to Northshore Baptist Church (Bothell, WA). Missions Pastor Tim Burke visited the home, bringing a generous donation from the church of water pumps and money to buy goats. We have already purchased 5 goats, and will be breeding them for the families of the boys being reintegrated. It is humbling and exciting to watch these families grow by the grace of God and your generosity. We are filled with gratitude for all of our sponsors and for the chance to play a part in this process of the Spirit in action.