
Surprising New Year’s resolutions from the boys of HFLM

Paul, Djuhudi, & Emile’s goals: be closer to God, forgive enemies, and learn to read and write.
Last month, we introduced Amanda Good and the transformative work she has been doing with the boys at HFLM. Each week, she leads an interactive devotion with the boys, asking challenging questions, discussing what it looks like to be a Christ follower, and having a time of journaling their prayers and reflections. The boys finished their first mini-series devotional on goal setting just in time for the New Year. The boys eagerly wrote down their goals for this next year, imagining the kind of person they would like to grow to be. The following are a few highlights of their 2015 goals:
  • “I want to be a good example in all that I am doing.”
  • “I want to grow in love.”
  • “I want to honor God in my youth and all the days of my life”
These goals demonstrate what precious hearts our incredible young men possess. To learn more, watch our goal setting video here!
Claude’s goal: “I want to love people more than I do.” He also wants to work hard at school, respect his teachers, and become a better soccer player.
Coming from backgrounds of intense abuse, neglect, and rejection, a big struggle amidst many of our boys is changing their self-perspective from an unwanted street child, into a deeply loved child of God. We have begun the next mini-series devotional focused on love and are confronting the common lie street children feel – that they are unworthy of love. After diving deeper into questions of identity and how to receive and show love, one boy wrote in his journal, “From now on, I know that God really loves me so much. When people see me, I want them to see love.” We are beyond excited for this next season!
Jack (right) after being baptized.
16-year-old Jack ended the month by deciding to publicly declare his faith by getting baptized. Jack said, “It is a special day because I have chosen Jesus as my Savior. I thank God because He protected me while I was on the street and He created a way for me to stop that life. I thank God because He just really loves me.”
Thank you very much for all you are doing to enable these important moments in our boys’ lives. As a result of your generosity and support, broken hearts are healing, chains are being broken, and lives are being rebuilt for God’s great glory.

May 2014

Five years ago, Hope For Life Ministry began when we rescued 11 of our young friends from prison with nothing but a vision and a few hundred dollars in our pocket. We didn’t feel qualified or capable, but we knew that God had called us to be a presence in these 11 boys’ lives. We never could have imagined the journey ahead of us, the drastic changes we’d all help make in the lives of so many children, or that five years later we’d still have the privilege of participating in such amazing work.

18-year-old Pacifique was one of the original eleven who we rescued from prison in 2009. His dedication to his new life has been evidenced by his strong desire to follow the Lord, his kind nature towards others, and his academic success. Before coming to HFLM, Pacifique didn’t speak any English, but now he is able to share his testimony in English. He says, “What can I say? I love Hope For Life. It is like a good family here. The other boys are like my brothers. It is different from the streets. On the streets my favorite food was drugs. I took the drugs to make me free from the sadness… On the streets, I was sad but now there is a difference. I think God has a plan for me. I’m hopeful for a good future. I want to be a good man and I want a job and a family.” Watch him tell his full story here.

Celebrating HFLM’s 5 year anniversary!
To commemorate our five-year anniversary and celebrate the boy’s perseverance during their first term in their new school, children and staff spent the day swimming, feasting, and reflecting. Each boy was given the opportunity to speak about his journey through HFLM. Six-year-old Benjamin shared about how he knows for the first time in his young life that he is loved, and that he has value. We wish that each of you could have been present to hear the boys share about their growth and transformation. It was a powerful day that none of us will soon forget.
The countless transformations we’ve witnessed have only occurred because you were willing to generously give your time, heart, and resources. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The past five years by the numbers:
  44 boys have gone through our rehabilitation program.
     1 brand new house built by the Hovde  Foundation.
  19 boys and 1 staff member chose to be baptized.
204financial supporters partnered with us.
   18 Rwandans have been provided with jobs.
   11 boys have been reintegrated back into their families.
     9 US church congregations sponsored our work.
    1meeting with the First Lady of Rwanda.
 14 children have been sponsored from their homes, preventing a life on the streets.

Denver Fundraiser Update:

HFLM raised over $49,000 last month at the Colorado Benefit Dinner and 10 of you committed to sponsoring a child for a year! Thank you for your overwhelming generosity!






April 2014 Update

“It takes a village to raise a child.” This ancient African proverb holds true for Hope For Life Ministry (HFLM) as the children we serve depend on the talents, prayers, and financial contributions from hundreds of generous people like you. We have been immensely impressed with how individuals are finding creative ways to get involved in transforming the lives of Rwandan children.

Kaiah painting to raise money for the boys at HFLM!
Two years ago, seven-year-old Kaiah lived with her family in Rwanda where they served at HFLM. Kaiah spent her days playing with the boys and developing a deep friendship with them. She remembers, “I saw the kids who lived on the streets near our house. They were lonely and didn’t have anything to eat. I know it isn’t good to steal… but they steal because they need to eat. I don’t like stealing, but I don’t like starving either.” When Kaiah heard about the fire that scourged the HFLM center in December, she wanted to do something to help her friends who have already endured so many challenges in their young lives. Her first idea was to sell her rock collection and give the money to the boys. However, after much thought and encouragement from her parents, Kaiah decided to open a small art business where she paints one to two pictures a week and donates the funds to HFLM. Kaiah hopes the money she raises will buy the boys “…things they need like clothes, books and fun toys”. We are so proud of young Kaiah and the fantastic example she is providing to show us we can all do something to help end child homelessness in Rwanda. (See Kaiah’s artwork here!)

Buy a pair of Gutanga pants and support HFLM!

Inspired by the resiliency of the Rwandan people and their fun sense of fashion, former HFLM volunteer Stuart Cornutt is using his entrepreneurial skills to support HFLM’s transformative work. Stuart has created a clothing line called Gutanga (“to give” in Kinyarwanda) that embodies the vivid colors and energetic designs he saw in Rwanda. The best part about these fashionable pants is that a portion of each sale goes to HFLM – how awesome! Check out Gutanga’s website at or like them on Facebook!

Torey at the end of the benefit dinner, feeling honored by the support of her Denver community.

HFLM’s Executive Director, Torey Rozario, was home in Colorado last month and with the help of countless friends and relatives, she organized a benefit dinner that left us speechless. Torey’s goal was to raise $10,000. After a beautiful evening in the Colorado mountains, the 160 people who attended the event raised over $40,000 and money continues to come in! There were also commitments to see 10 of our boys through their entire education! Torey cried tears of joy with each donation envelope that she opened, praising God for the overwhelming generosity of her community. Thank you, Denver, for making this the most successful fundraiser HFLM has ever held! Stay tuned for the final count of the generous donations and links to the touching videos shared at the event.

We are so proud of our HFLM community and all that we have been able to accomplish together. May we each continue to use the talents, resources, and time God has given us to give hope to children.   

March 2014 Update

Top: Marie Clarice. Bottom: Eric and Emile

This month, we have the pleasure of introducing you to our newest staff member, Marie Clarice. Marie Clarice is serving as Hope For Life Ministry’s Lead Residential Counselor, supervising the residential counselors as well as counseling each child at HFLM. Marie Clarice is naturally gifted in counseling and possesses a wealth of experience in the social work field. She holds a Bachelors degree in Community Development and is currently working on her Masters degree in Public Administration. Within her first month serving at HFLM, she not only identified areas that needed improvement, but she implemented changes that have made a huge impact on our boys and the overall organization of our home. Noticing the tendency for the boy’s rooms to remain messy and unorganized throughout the week, Marie Clarice made a deal with the boys. If they could keep their rooms spotless for one month, she promised to take them all horseback riding – a new experience for them all. The next day, their rooms were the cleanest we have ever seen them, and they remained that way for the next four weeks!
One month later, 11 of our boys in primary school and two staff members drove to a nearby “ranch.” It was the first time that any of our boys have seen a horse, yet alone ridden one! We expected the boys to be scared, but after receiving instruction, they boldly stepped up and hopped on the huge creatures with utter delight. To top off the exciting day, Marie Clarice surprised everyone with dinner that she arranged herself and an evening of dancing at the venue.

Six year old Claude training his horse: “When I first saw the horse, I thought it was big! But I wasn’t scared. I learned I couldn’t ride politely. You have to be stern with a horse.”
Marie Clarice’s creative thinking and generosity not only provided a valuable lesson in the importance of taking care of possessions, but it also led to a treasured experience and memory for our boys. For a week after their horse riding adventure, the boys could be heard telling their schoolmates and teachers of their experience: “Do you know what to do if you’re riding a horse and it starts turning? You have to pull up on the reigns!”

14 year old Obedi, excited to be riding a horse: “It was a good day! I want to ride a horse again.”
The past few months have been full of new experiences for the boys, from shifting to their new private school, to hearing their song, “You are Precious,” on the radio in Rwanda and in the USA, and now horseback riding! It has been beautiful to watch the children realize the significance behind these special moments – that they are valuable and their future is not defined by their past.

In this season of goodness that God has placed HFLM in, we hope these stories encourage and uplift you. Please join us in celebrating the transformative work that God is doing through all of our joint efforts. “For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’” (Jeremiah 29:11)

February 2014

Five years ago, David, Pacifique, and D’Amour were living in a garbage dump; their minds were filled with thoughts of food, shelter, and numbing their pain. They never dared to dream about what their future might look like, as all of their energy was consumed with merely surviving another day. Today, David, Pacifique, and D’Amour have discovered their mutual ambition to become gospel artists, and they are on their way to achieving their dreams. Last year, they formed a gospel band called Shining Hope and produced their first song, “You Are Precious,” singing about their transformed lives since knowing Jesus.

Charlie with Pacifique, David and D’amour outside the radio station

 Last month, HFLM volunteer Charlie Gladitsch brought Shining Hope’s song to a gospel radio station in Kigali. The radio host loved the song and asked if the band would come in for an interview the following day. You can imagine the boys’ elation after hearing they would be on the radio! On interview day, the radio host played “You Are Precious” and interviewed Shining Hope for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, the rest of the HFLM boys tuned in to listen as Shining Hope shared about using their vocal talents to praise God and share His love with the world. The host proclaimed he would play their song every day he works!  “You Are Precious” has been playing daily, and the station eagerly awaits for Shining Hope to produce more of their music.

The impact has been profound, as they realize that God has big plans for their lives. 19-year-old David said, “I thank God that it happened and I hope God is supporting Shining Hope. It was a huge celebration to have finally made it on the radio. With my background on the streets, I never expected to make music that was played on the radio or to be interviewed. Being with my brothers and having the support of HFLM really encouraged me. When I got home from the interview, I wrote down my whole experience so I would never forget that day. It was a special day in my life.”


This is a testament to the vast transformation and endless opportunities that open up when children are equipped to leave street life. We couldn’t be more proud of the incredible men that our boys are becoming!
As we continue to encourage Shining Hope’s dreams and invest into the talents of all the boys at HFLM, please consider joining us. To promote Shining Hope, you can:
1. Donate towards the costs of producing their songs (each songs costs $115 to produce);
2. Like their Facebook group.
3. Listen to and share their music.
Thank you for the many ways you support the lives of HFLM children. We trust you are encouraged upon hearing how lives are being changed and how the boys use their talents for the glory of God.

January 2014 Update

Hope For Life Ministry January 2014 Update

Boys opening their Christmas presents Torey’s family brought from the US
Thank you HFLM supporters for your dedication to our boys and their future. You are an AMAZINGcommunity! Last month we shared several financial needs that were heavy on our hearts and you jumped into action and covered all of them. We are blown away! Your generosity enabled us to completely repair the damage from the fire, placing Baby back into his room before Christmas, and we were able to bless the boys with a special traditional Rwandan meal for Christmas. Further, you gave enough funding to send all of our boys to their first trimester of private school! Our whole house is buzzing with excitement!

A STARS classroom 

HFLM’s Executive Director, Torey, explains why we decided to send our boys to private school: “One of the most disheartening days for me was visiting the public school and witnessing the crowded, chaotic classrooms of our boys. Their teacher wasn’t even able to communicate in basic English with me, which is astonishing since English is the official language in Rwandan schools. I knew we needed to make a change to really bring transformation to their lives.” Given these dire circumstances, we want to thank you immensely for investing into their futures and enabling us to send them to a private school called STARS.

Students at STARS

One of the residential counselors, Gustave, shared, “Attending STARS is a great opportunity for the boys because everything is taught in English and the teaching is very, very advanced compared to other schools.” Five-year-old Benjamin has been jumping out of his skin in anticipation of attending STARS because he is so excited to learn English. Whenever he hears a word in English, he repeats it and then proceeds to run around HFLM sharing the new English word to everyone that is in sight.

Reasons we love STARS School:

·         All STARS teachers speak fluent English and students speak conversational English after one year!
·         Students receive a school lunch, verses waiting until 3pm to eat at home.
·         The boys will only walk 20 minutes to school rather than 45 minutes, and it is through a much safer area.
·         STARS offers organized school sports teams. We’re guessing our boys will be the most excited about this change!
·         The teacher-student ratio is 1:35 compared with a national average of 1:66 (Ministry of Education, Government of Rwanda [2009]).

After the big soccer game during the New Years party
As we reflect on the trials and blessings of 2013, we are reminded that God is good and faithful. Please celebrate the following blessings from 2013 with us, knowing that your support played a vital role in our success.

·         We’ve received our registration from the Rwandan Government and with it, the green light to continue our operation in the wake of other centers for street children being shut down.
·         We’ve been able to bring eight new street boys into our center this year, as well as sponsoring 10 additional children through outside school scholarships. 
·         Chickens and goats were donated, allowing us to strengthen sustainability and the overall nutrition at HFLM. 
·         Two teams of American groups brought soccer gear and gifts to our boys.

Thank you for your devotion and faithfulness to our mission of transforming the lives of Rwandan youth. We look forward to your continued partnership in 2014!



HFLM Update December 2013

“There’s an emergency, come quick!” exclaimed Yassipi, one of the boys at HFLM. Staff rushed into the home and saw orange flames emerging from one of the bedrooms. Only moments earlier, Yassipi heard a “pop” in the bedroom and entered to find a wooden chair caught on fire by a faulty voltage regulator and a sparking outlet. He rushed to tell staff and by the time they arrived the room was ablaze.

Isiaka and Baby grieving over their destroyed room and lost belongings

Immediately staff evacuated the children from the building. They started filling buckets of water and throwing it on the fire, but soon discovered the fire was growing much quicker than the dribbling water pressure could combat.  For a brief moment, everyone despaired, believing that the whole home would burn down. In the midst of prayers, neighbors came rushing over and yelled, “Dirt! Throw dirt on the fire!” The neighbors, staff, and children worked in unison, filling buckets and any accessible container with dirt. After 15 minutes of throwing dirt on the fire, the flames began to die down. Staff was able to re-enter the smoldering house and continued to pile soil on the burning furniture until all of the flames were extinguished.

The neighbors, kids, and staff all joined each other outside and began praising the Lord for saving the house from burning down, and most importantly, that no one was hurt. We are so grateful for our neighbors, without whom all would surely have been lost. There were only two things that made it out of the fiery room unscathed; one was an integrated mathematics book, and the other was the Bible.  When the Bible was discovered, a few of the boys began singing “there is power in the name of Jesus!”  It was a powerful moment that will not soon be forgotten.

Baby holding his Kinyarwanda bible that survived the fire

Although we are extremely grateful there were not greater losses, the fire has been a setback to HFLM and has shaken the boys. After taking inventory of all that was destroyed by the fire, we’ve estimated it will cost $1,450 to rebuild the three rooms scathed by the fire, and $350 for lost materials. We will be starting the rebuilding process soon and hope to have the boys back in their bedrooms by Christmas. It took a whole community to put the flames out and it will take help from our HFLM community to rebuild.

One of the rooms damaged by the fire

In light of the losses we experienced, we would love to make this Christmas special for the boys. Here’s how you can help:

  • Rebuilding HFLM: Give towards the $1,450 we need to rebuild and repair our home.
  • Replacing Materials:  Give towards purchasing $350 worth of items lost in the fire: $100 for clothing, $90 for mattresses and bedding, $40 for school materials, and $120 for furniture and curtains.
  • Christmas: Help us host a Christmas celebration that will cost $100 and will include a special meal for all children and staff.
  • Education: We’d like to send all of our boys to a private school where they will receive a higher quality education. With a lower teacher to student ratio, the children will receive more specialized instruction and attention that will have a lasting impact on their future. The first trimester begins in January and we need to raise $3,500 to cover their first trimester of tuition.

To make donations towards these needs, visit HFLM’s website.

In other news, thank you for your prayers regarding our Executive Director, Torey, and her plight in obtaining a visa. Immigration has allowed her to remain in Rwanda while she is in the appeal process, as previously they were threatening to force her immediate departure. Please continue to pray for God’s providence in this situation as we wait for immigration’s final decision. Thank you for playing your part in HFLM. We couldn’t succeed without such a generous, faithful, and loving community to support us!

To see the complete story of the fire, visit Ryan Dalbey’s blog here.


November Update 2013

 “My name is Grace!” five year old Grace proclaimed excitedly.  It is a rare sight seeing someone so proud to declare their name, but up until this last month, 5 year old Grace had no name to share.

Grace holding her new doll. She immediately named her Cynthia.

Last update we introduced Benjamin and his twin sister Grace who we found living in a marketplace.  When we brought the twins to HFLM, we were shocked to discover they believed their names to be “boy” and “girl”. During the 2 weeks Grace was at HFLM, Torey sat her down and explained that although she is a girl, that is not whoshe is. “You have a special identity to your Heavenly Father. We want to tell people who you are by giving you a unique name.” The name Grace came easily as we saw her Heavenly Father’s evident love for her, caring for her and giving her a brand new start in life. Torey shared with Grace that her name will continue to grow meaning as her story unfolds and as she understands her redemption. 

Because HFLM is a center for boys, Grace only stayed with us temporarily. She is currently at a loving home and looks forward to HFLM’s weekly visits bringing Benjamin to see her. In January, the twins will both move to a new center called Africa New Life allowing them to be reunited and also attend one of the best schools offered in Rwanda. 

Grace wearing Charlie’s glasses (When she first came to HFLM, all she owned was this onesie and torn skirt).

A huge gift that continually blesses our organization is the wonderful volunteers that come serve in Rwanda. This month we are excited to introduce you to our Sustainability Coordinator, Charlie Gladtisch: 

Hello friends of HFLM! My name is Charlie. I arrived at the end of September and will stay for one year. My role as the Sustainability Coordinator includes implementing income-generating projects, working to reintegrate boys into their families, and networking with other organizations to help meet our needs. I have loved getting to know the boys, especially watching them grow into men of God in our semi-weekly bible studies.

Eric showing another one of his creative ideas

A few weeks ago, the little boys and I read about treating our neighbors as we would like to be treated. I began to close the lesson when 11 year old Eric interrupted with a stern look on his face, “Why can’t we give our leftover food to the boys still on the streets?” My thoughts skirted from security risks to difficult implementation, but I realized that God can easily brush those barriers aside. Even if it’s just an extra bowl of rice, we do have more to give. It’s beautiful to see the boys challenge us to follow Christ more closely. After a long pause, I told Eric he’s absolutely right, and we’d look into it.


October Update 2013

We are experimenting with HFLM’s update style and would love to hear your feedback. Recently we were quite touched by God’s hand at work and we share with you this unfolding story. Hope For Life’s Children’s Director, Chantal, recently heard about two young children who were living in a nearby market. Shortly after, Chantal and I (Torey) began a search to find the children. Chantal, known as Mama Muto (small mama) throughout is a master at weaving through the busy market.

We found ourselves in an area of the market most would avoid, as it is dirty and filled with a thick smell of urine. In the midst of hardened faces and swarming flies, there stood a pair of five-year-old twins  who lit up as we arrived. The boy having heard of HFLM already had an idea of why we were there. However, as our ministry is only a home for boys, we stared in bewilderment at his sister wondering how we might also care for her. The instantaneous decision was to bring her to HFLM and provide a shower, meal and love, even if only for the day. 

Benjamin holding hands with his sister


While in transit to HFLM, we posed question after question to better understand the background of these adorable twins. We soon realized these children believed their names to be “Mahungu” and “Makobwa”, which directly translates to boy and girl in Kinyarwanda. Having grown up on the streets and in the market, their innocence was robbed and experiencing cruelty and abuse became normal. With their father in and out of the hospital due to epilepsy and an absent mother, they were left to find their own way and care for each other.


As we approached HFLM, the twins were wide eyed taking in their new surroundings while tightly holding onto our hands. It was so painfully obviously how starved for affection these little ones were. Tears began streaming down their cheeks every time we would put them down or let go of their hands. However, when moments of bravery sparked, the boy would go play soccer with Olivier, a 14 year old residing at HFLM.

Top: Benjamin with a volunteer. Bottom: Benjamin’s sister wearing a spare shirt as we washed her clothes.

After the first week of living at our home, the staff named our new boy Benjamin after Jacob’s youngest child in the Bible.  Benjamin was Jacob’s youngest son, just like our Benjamin is HFLM’s little one. Having a little one at the home has shifted roles at HFLM and it has been fun watching the boys nurture and care for him.  Our HFLM boys recently came up with personal goals and Olivier lovingly shared, “I want to show Benjamin how to do things. I want to be a big brother for him here.” Olivier has fully taken on this role and is often hand in hand with him helping with his chores or washing their clothes together.

Benjamin has become an integral part of our family and is no longer defined by the market. He has a new name, a new home, and a new spirit. His kindness, affection and infectious smile make our days brighter. We continue to search for a stable home for his sister.  Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we look for the best placement for her and also for Benjamin as he transitions into his new home at HFLM. Thank you for your support and being part of this life transforming work.  



September 2013

September brings an end to summer, as well as the dry season in Rwanda. The dust is starting to settle as Hilliary adjusts to life back in Seattleand Torey makes Rwandahome. All of our boys have headed back to their final trimester of school for the year. We at Hope For Life have also said goodbye to two wonderful volunteers: Elizabeth Primus and Caroline Barker.


Caroline spending time with the boys

The selfless service and devotion of our volunteers to various projects at HFLM continually evolves our programs and keeps the organization growing. Along with aiding in various administrative tasks, Caroline invested in our staff, teaching and providing tools to strengthen our teamwork mentality and keep our family strong. We continue to be grateful for her help, as she will further invest into developing our staff while she is back in the States.    


Elizabeth holding up the picture Pacifique drew for her family

Elizabethreturned to HFLM this summer to teach about the importance of clean water, aid in sustainability projects, and invest into the education of the boys. She loved working with the boys in her free time and created a math craze around the house. She would use charcoal to line the property with endless square roots, multiplication and geometry problems. The boys were so eager to answer them and made it a competition to quickly finish them. Because of this, the math problems became known as, “quicklies”, and once Elizabethwas home you could hear the boys rushing to ask for more. We already miss her presence at the home and are praying for her as she contemplates returning to take a position teaching at a nearby vocational school.

Djuhudi getting ready for his baptism celebration. What a stud!

This past Sunday we celebrated a very exciting baptism. Djuhudi comes from a Muslim background and is the first of his family to know Jesus. As Djuhudi now sings in the choir at his church, they all came to HFL to celebrate. Chantal shared her excitement: “I can’t believe where Djuhudi is today. When he first came to HFL, he was critically ill and no one expected him to survive. We thank God for who is he is today. His skin has healed, his hair is back and it makes me cry when I look at him.”

Pacifique, David, church member, and Baby, singing up front

It was such a joy to watch three of our staff, and four of our boys sing together with the choir at the celebration. Our home was packed with people from the community and on the last song, the whole house joined in dancing and singing, smiling alongside their brother. It was a beauty to behold.


We are so grateful for the ongoing support Hope For Life has had in this season of transition. With incredible volunteers and the wonderful community surrounding Hope For Life, blessings have been overflowing. Please continue to keep our home in your prayers as we bring new boys in this next month.